Where can I find Varon Vamori in Oblivion?

Where can I find Varon Vamori in Oblivion?

Varon Vamori’s House is a location in Bravil and the home of Varon Vamori. It stands opposite the Great Chapel of Mara. This two story house has a large room on the first floor and a bedroom on the second. Varon has two chests in his home, one is leveled, the other is upstairs in his bedroom.

How do I get Bravil recommendations?

Speak with Kud-Ei in the Bravil Mages Guild about a recommendation for you. She wants you to go talk with Varon Vamori concerning the theft of Ardaline’s Mage’s Staff. In order to get the quest, make sure you talk to Kud-Ei about: Ardaline, Varon Vamori and Mage’s Staff.

How do you get the mage staff back?

Mages Guild Find the thief Varon Vamori, and persuade him to return the staff he stole. When he has been persuaded (~70 disposition), he will reveal that he sold the staff to Soris Arenim in the Imperial City. Upon discovering this, the Hero must report it to Kud-Ei, who tells them to go fetch it.

How do I find my Kud-Ei?


Kud-Ei (RefID: 0002F07F)
Location Bravil Mages Guild
Race Argonian Gender
Level PC+0 (min=5) Class
RefID 0002F07F BaseID

Where is the Bruma Mages Guild?

The Bruma Mages Guild is located in western Bruma on the second tier. The Bruma Mages Guild have trainers who train hopefuls in various types of magic.

Where is the Bravil Mages Guild?

Bravil Mages Guild is found near the north end of the southernmost bridge, on the west side of town.

How do you spell the finger of the mountain?

Finger of the Mountain is an offensive spell that can be acquired through the “Chorrol Recommendation” quest. Finger of the Mountain deals Shock damage on a target. The spell’s damage and radius is dependent on the Hero’s level when acquired.

Where is soris Arenim in Oblivion?

Soris Arenim is a Dark Elf commoner living in the Imperial City’s Talos Plaza District with his wife, Erissare Arenim.

Where can I find J Skar?

Speak to Jeanne Frasoric in the Bruma Mages Guild. She has an easy task. You simply need to find J’skar who has gone and disappeared. He is actually just invisible, so you might be able to find him by running around pressing the Activate button.

Does Bruma have a Mages Guild?

The Bruma Mages Guild is located in western Bruma on the second tier. The Bruma Mages Guild have trainers who train hopefuls in various types of magic. The Bruma chapterhouse has no definite school of magic, instead having various. The Guild also sells various schools of spells.

Does using the Skeleton Key increase lockpicking oblivion?

The Skeleton Key is an unbreakable lockpick that increases your Security skill by 40 pts whenever the key is in your possession.