Who owns the Villa Savoye?

Who owns the Villa Savoye?

French government

Villa Savoye
Architect Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret
Owner French government
Website www.villa-savoye.fr
Location of Villa Savoye in France

Can you visit Villa Savoye?

Nowadays Villa Savoye is open to visitors and managed by Centre des monuments nationaux (National monuments centre).

Why is Villa Savoye important?

The Villa Savoye is a revolutionary building because it was designed to be functional and to revolve around people’s daily lives. With its systematic efficiency, lack of ornamentation, and clean lines, the Villa Savoye exemplifies Purism and Le Corbusier’s desire to simplify design.

What happened Villa Savoye?

Villa Savoye fell into disrepair after the second world war and was restored by the French state from 1963 to 1997. The residence is one of the 17 projects by Le Corbusier that have been added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List of internationally significant architecture sites this month.

What were some of Le Corbusier’s new ideas for buildings?

He advocated:

  • The Pilotis – a grid of columns to replace load-bearing walls, allowing architects to make more use of floorspace.
  • Free floor plans – flexible living spaces that could adapt to changing lifestyles, thanks to the absence of load-bearing walls.

What is the purpose of Pilotis?

Pilotis are supports that lift a building above the ground or a body of water. They are similar in nature to to stilts, piers, columns, pillars, posts and so on. In timber form, they were traditionally used in the vernacular architecture of Asia and Scandinavia, or wherever indigenous peoples lived at a water’s edge.

Why is Le Corbusier so famous?

Le Corbusier was an influential architect and city planner whose designs combined functionalism with bold sculptural expressionism. He belonged to the first generation of the so-called International school of architecture, which promoted such characteristics as clean geometric forms and open efficient spaces.

What was the inspiration for Villa Savoye?

Le Corbusier foresaw material innovation with the introduction of industrial materials. Previously, houses were perceived as solid and heavy structures where stone, timber and bricks were commonly used. Conversely, Le Corbusier drew influence from the machine age, inspired by his fascination with steamships.