What are santons in French?

What are santons in French?

Santons (Provençal: “santoun,” or “little saint”) are small hand-painted terracotta nativity scene figurines produced in the Provence region of southeastern France. Santons are molded in two halves, pressed together, and fused. Hats, baskets, and other accessories are applied with an adhesive.

What are Santon dolls?

Santons are hand-painted, terracotta nativity scene doll like figurines, from southeastern France. There are about 55 different people, from various characters in the typical Provençal village.

How are santons made?

Santons are made of clay. They are molded in two halves pressed together. The plaster molds are all made from a first handmade model (new models are created every year). After being removed from the mold, santons are dried for several weeks before being fired in a traditional kiln.

Why are the santons placed in the crèche?

Indeed, in this troubled and very complicated age for the Church, places of worship were closed and believers found themselves unable to pray in front of the figures of the Nativity. They therefore decided to set up the Christmas cot in their own homes. It is from this precise moment that the small Santons appear.

What are santons name at least five santons which might be included in a French crèche?

Santons represent all the characters of an old Provençal village: the farmer, the olive picker, the bread maker, the school teacher (and his class), the fisherman, the priest, the mayor – and probably a drunkard, a fool and a blind man too.

Quelle est l’histoire du santon de Provence?

L’histoire du santon de Provence. En 1798, Louis Lagnel (qui vécut à Marseille de 1764 à1822), conçut les premiers moules en plâtre pour fabriquer ses santons. Cette nouveauté technologique permit une production de masse et une plus grande diffusion. Ces “santons d’un sou” permettaient enfin à chacun de posséder sa propre crèche.

Quels sont les santonniers de Provence?

• Santons et santonniers de Provence : naissance et développement d’une dévotion et d’un artisanat depuis le XVIIe siècle, par Régis Bertrand, in Provence historique (1990) ils ne font pas partie de la sainte famille mais en sont indissociables ! les premiers venus, avec leurs agneaux…

Quand est-ce que les santons sont cuits?

La cuisson : Les santons sont cuits dans un four de céramiste au-delà de 980°C pendant près de 3 jours (cuisson dite “biscuit”). La peinture : Chaque santon est peint à la main, couleur par couleur, à l’huile et à l’acrylique.