What language is Catalan closest to?

What language is Catalan closest to?

Catalan was considered a dialect of Occitan until the end of the 19th century and still today remains its closest relative. Catalan shares many traits with the other neighboring Romance languages (Occitan, French, Italian, Sardinian as well as Spanish and Portuguese among others).

What language did Franco speak?

During the dictatorship of Francisco Franco from 1939 to 1975, policies were implemented in an attempt to increase the dominance of the Spanish language, also known as Castilian, over the other languages of Spain. Franco’s regime had Spanish nationalism as one of its bases.

What did Franco do to Catalan?

During the dictatorship of Franco (1939-1975), not only democratic freedoms were suppressed, but also the Catalan language, which was excluded from the education system and relegated to the family sphere. Castillian (Spanish) became the only language of education, administration and the media.

When was Catalan banned?

18th century to the present: Spain After the Nueva Planta Decrees, the use of Catalan in administration and education was banned in the Kingdom of Spain.

What was Franco’s party in Spain?

Falange EspaƱola Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista
Francisco Franco/Parties

Is Catalan Spanish and French?

Catalan is linguistically between French and Spanish, with a few Italian features thrown in. In my opinion it’s closer to Spanish. There are grammatical features and pronunciations which are more close to French, but the Spanish similarities outnumber them by far.

Is Castilian Spanish the same as Catalan?

Is Catalan a form of Castilian Spanish? No. Catalan is a language in its own right. It does not derive from Spanish, or even from French, even though many people say that Catalan sounds like a mixture of both.

What was the official language of Francisco Franco’s Spain?

The regime of Francisco Franco had Spanish nationalism as one of its bases. Under his dictatorship, the Spanish language (known in some parts of Spain as castellano, i.e., Castilian) was declared Spain’s only official language.

What were the language politics in Francoist Spain?

Language politics in Francoist Spain centered on attempts in Spain under Franco to increase the dominance of the Spanish language (Castilian) over the other languages of Spain. The regime of Francisco Franco had Spanish nationalism as one of its bases.

How did the Spanish language change during the dictatorship of Franco?

During the dictatorship of Francisco Franco from 1939 to 1975, policies were implemented in an attempt to increase the dominance of the Spanish language, also known as Castilian, over the other languages of Spain. Franco’s regime had Spanish nationalism as one of its bases.

When did Catalan become an official language in Spain?

With the death of Franco in 1975, and once democratic freedoms had been recovered, the 1978 constitution recognised linguistic plurality and established that Spanish languages other than Castilian could be official languages of the state. Catalan is now compulsory in Catalonian schools.