What is Fibersel?

What is Fibersel?

Fibersol®-2 digestion-resistant maltodextrin is a soluble corn fiber that acts as a low-calorie bulking agent containing 90 percent dietary fiber. A variety of functional, physical, and sensory attributes of Fibersol®-2, digestion resistant maltodextrin, will bring opportunities to food and beverage applications.

What is Fibersol 2ag?

Fibersol®-2 AG is a spray-dried powder produced by the pyrolysis and controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of cornstarch. Fibersol®-2 AG, digestion resistant maltodextrin, analytically and nutritionally meets the definition of dietary fiber for nutrition labeling.

What is Sunfiber good for?

Sunfiber is a truly regulating dietary fiber that helps to normalize the digestive system. It is clinically shown to be effective at regulating occasional diarrhea and occasional constipation. Sunfiber is an excellent prebiotic for maintaining digestive health and microflora balance.

Is wheat dextrin the same as inulin?

9 Thus, inulin is better tolerated in lower doses (10 g to 15 g/day). 11 Conversely, wheat dextrin is well tolerated in higher doses (30 g to 45 g/day) as it is slower to ferment in the gut.

Does maltodextrin cause diarrhea?

If you consume maltodextrin in large amounts, this may cause gastrointestinal symptoms. These include gas, gurgling sounds, and diarrhea. Studies show that it can cause allergic reactions like cramping and skin irritations.

Who makes Fibersol?

COMPANY PROFILE Invented by Japan’s Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Fibersol-2 soluble dietary fiber has been primarily produced at ADM’s Clinton, Iowa, facility since 1999.

When should I take Sunfiber?

A: Sunfiber can be taken at any time of the day, but is often recommended to take first thing in the morning to get your digestive system on track for a comfortable and healthy day. Take with your morning cereal, yogurt, smoothie or add to your water bottle to take with you on the go.