What happens if I get a rash from Lamictal?

What happens if I get a rash from Lamictal?

It’s common to get a skin rash with lamotrigine. Most skin rashes are not serious. But if you develop a skin rash or redness, tell a doctor straight away, as this can develop into a life-threatening skin condition called Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare side effect of lamotrigine.

What does a Lamictal rash feel like?

The symptoms of a mild rash caused by Lamictal are: hives. itching. swelling.

How long does the Lamictal rash last?

Lamotrigine rashes are typically allergic in nature, presenting as simple, benign morbilliform rashes with onset between 5 days and 8 weeks after treatment initiation; the rashes tend to disappear within a few days after the medication is stopped.

When should I worry about Lamictal rash?

If you experience a rash while taking Lamictal, see your doctor immediately. If it is spreading quickly, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. It is far better to be safe than sorry, however,​ low the risk may be.

What does Lamictal rash look like in the beginning?

Signs and symptoms of the rash typically include: red blisters in one or more areas, often the face or mouth. itching skin. hives.

What does Steven Johnson Syndrome look like in the beginning?

The syndrome often begins with flu-like symptoms, followed by a red or purple rash that spreads and forms blisters. The affected skin eventually dies and peels off. Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a medical emergency that requires treatment in hospital, often in intensive care or a burns unit.

When does Lamictal rash appear?

A Lamictal rash usually appears within 8 weeks of starting treatment. It usually goes away on its own when medication is stopped, with no other serious side effects.

What does a Stevens-Johnson rash look like?

After a few days a rash appears, which consists of individual blemishes that may look like a target – darker in the middle and lighter around the outside. The rash isn’t usually itchy, and spreads over a number of hours or days. Large blisters then develop on the skin, which leave painful sores after bursting.

What is Lyell’s syndrome?

Lyell’s syndrome, or toxic epidermal necrolysis, is a rare, potentially life-threatening mucocutaneous disease, usually provoked by the administration of a drug and characterized by acute necrosis of the epidermis.

Can lamotrigine make you itchy?

If you develop any of the following symptoms while you are taking lamotrigine, call your doctor immediately: rash; blistering or peeling of the skin; hives; itching; or painful sores in your mouth or around your eyes.

What does Steven Johnson syndrome look like in the beginning?

How quickly does Stevens-Johnson syndrome start?

If your case of SJS is caused by a drug, symptoms appear about one to three weeks after you start taking medication. The flu-like illness (fever, cough and headache, skin pain) is followed first by a rash and then peeling. In the case of TEN, some people even lose hair and nails.