How do I use SeekBar with Media Player on Android?

How do I use SeekBar with Media Player on Android?

To create a ‘connection’ between SeekBar and MediaPlayer you need first to get your current recording max duration and set it to your seek bar. mSeekBar. setMax(mFileDuration/1000); // where mFileDuration is mMediaPlayer. getDuration();

What is a SeekBar?

android.widget.SeekBar. A SeekBar is an extension of ProgressBar that adds a draggable thumb. The user can touch the thumb and drag left or right to set the current progress level or use the arrow keys. Placing focusable widgets to the left or right of a SeekBar is discouraged.

How do I manage SeekBar on Android?

In android, SeekBar is an extension of ProgressBar control with a draggable thumb. The SeekBar allows users to touch the thumb and drag left or right to set the current progress levels….Android SeekBar Control Attributes.

Attribute Description
android:background It is used to set the background color for a progress bar.

How do I start SeekBar on Android?

Step1: Create a new project. After that, you will have java and XML file. Step2: Open your xml file and add a SeekBar and TextView for message as shown below, max attribute in SeekBar define the maximum it can take. Assign ID to SeekBar And TextView.

How do I play music from URL on Android?

String fileUrl = “”; String url = “http://myserver/songs/xyz”; //(myserver -> A remote server) mVideoView. setVideoURI(Uri. parse(fileUrl)); mVideoView.

How do I play audio files on Android?

We can play and control the audio files in android by the help of MediaPlayer class. Here, we are going to see a simple example to play the audio file….Methods of MediaPlayer class.

Method Description
public void pause() it pauses the playback.
public boolean isPlaying() checks if media player is playing.

How do I disable SeekBar?

Just add touch event handler and return true, like example below: seekBar. setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener(){ @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return true; } }); User won’t be able to touch and change the progress this way.

What is secondary progress in SeekBar android?

This progress is drawn between the primary progress and the background. Current look of secondary Progress bar: Desired look of secondary progress bar: Ideally I’d like to override a method in ProgressBar.

How make SeekBar thicker android?

You can use the Slider provided by the Material Components Library. Use the app:trackHeight=”xxdp” (the default value is 4dp ) to change the height of the track bar.

What is Android media player?

Media Player is a Universa Video Player for Android, you can easily play any video files with the media player. The Media Player can handle all popular video and music formats including: mp3, mp4, wmv, avi, mkv, dv, rm, mp, mpeg ect. Media Player finds all your videos automatically for you.

How audio files can be play through media player in Android?

To play audio or video files in Android, the Android multimedia framework includes the support of MediaPlayer APIs. Start/Pause the playback: After loading the media file, you can start playing the media file by using the start() method. Similarly, you can pause the playing media file by using the pause() method.

How do I connect Seekbar to mediaplayer?

To create a ‘connection’ between SeekBar and MediaPlayer you need first to get your current recording max duration and set it to your seek bar.

What is a Seekbar in Android?

What is a SeekBar? Well according to, A SeekBar is an extension of ProgressBar that adds a draggable thumb. The user can touch the thumb and drag left or right to set the current progress level or use the arrow keys. Placing focusable widgets to the left or right of a SeekBar is discouraged.

How to get callbacks from mediaplayer during play-back?

Instead of calling postDelayed on a Handler, the best approach would be to get callbacks from the MediaPlayer during play-back and then accordingly update the seekBar with the progress. Also, pause your MediaPlayer at onStartTrackingTouch (SeekBar seekBar) of the OnSeekBarChangeListener and then re-start it on onStopTrackingTouch (SeekBar seekBar).

How do I set the time duration of a Seekbar update?

Inside the run method, we update the progress every second which triggers the onProgressChanged method of the SeekBar listener. Inside the listener, we’ve set the TextView offset to below the SeekBar’s thumb. We set the time duration by converting the milliseconds to seconds there. When the seek bar is moved the same method is triggered.