Who was Shalmaneser V in the Bible?

Who was Shalmaneser V in the Bible?

Shalmaneser V, (flourished 8th century bc), king of Assyria (reigned 726–721 bc) who subjugated ancient Israel and undertook a punitive campaign to quell the rebellion of Israel’s king Hoshea (2 Kings 17).

Is shalmaneser a Sennacherib?

Shalmaneser V is known to have campaigned extensively in the lands west of the Assyrian heartland, warring not only against the Israelites, but also against the Phoenician city-states and against kingdoms in Anatolia….

Shalmaneser V
Predecessor Tiglath-Pileser III
Successor Sargon II
Died 722 BC
Spouse Banitu

What is the meaning of shalmaneser?

Biblical Names Meaning: In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Shalmaneser is: Peace, tied, chained, perfection, retribution.

Who was the greatest Assyrian king?


Ashurbanipal, closeup from the Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal
King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Reign 669–631 BC
Predecessor Esarhaddon

Why did King Shalmaneser invade Israel?

722 BC: the taking of Samaria According to the Bible, Shalmaneser attacked Israel after Hoshea had sought an alliance with “So, king of Egypt”, possibly Osorkon IV of Tanis, and it took the Assyrians three years to take Samaria (2 Kings 17). Two courtiers carry a chariot to be presented to king Sargon II.

Why did King Sennacherib order the army to destroy Babylon?

Sennacherib had spent more time dealing with Babylon and the Elamites and expended more men and resources on subduing that city than any other, so he ordered Babylon to be razed to the ground.

What happened to Sennacherib?

Sennacherib died in January 681 by parricide, probably at Nineveh. He was survived by his principal wife Naqia, mother of his heir Esarhaddon; her non-Assyrian name suggests that she was of either Jewish or Aramaean origin.

Who was defeated by the Assyrians to end their reign?

Let us know. Battle of Nineveh, (612 bce). Determined to end Assyrian dominance in Mesopotamia, Babylonia led an alliance in an attack against the Assyrian capital, Nineveh. The city was comprehensively sacked after a three-month siege, and Assyrian King Sinsharushkin was killed.

Why did Israel fall to Assyria?

According to the Bible, Shalmaneser attacked Israel after Hoshea had sought an alliance with “So, king of Egypt”, possibly Osorkon IV of Tanis, and it took the Assyrians three years to take Samaria (2 Kings 17). Two courtiers carry a chariot to be presented to king Sargon II.

When did Shalmaneser V become king?

Shalmaneser V. Shalmaneser V was king of Assyria from 727 to 722 BC. He first appears as governor of Zimirra in Phoenicia in the reign of his father, Tiglath-Pileser III. Evidence pertaining to his reign is scarce. On the death of Tiglath-Pileser, he succeeded to the throne of Assyria on the 25th day of Tebet 727 BC,…

What happened to Shalmaneser in 841 BC?

While Shalmaneser was unable to capture Damascus, he devastated its territory, and Jehu of Israel (whose ambassadors are represented on the Black Obelisk now in the British Museum ), together with the Phoenician cities, prudently sent tribute to him in perhaps 841 BC.

What did Shalmaneser write to his father?

Shalmaneser V was the son and heir of Tiglath-Pileser III ( r. 745–727 BC). Several letters sent by Shalmaneser to his father while Shalmaneser was still the crown prince (using the name Ululayu) are known, all beginning with the standard formula “To the king, my lord: your servant Ululayu. The best of health to the king, my lord!

Is there any record of Shalmaneser’s reign in Assyria?

The Assyrian Eponym Chronicle, which records significant events for each year in Assyria, is fragmentary in the period covered by Shalmaneser’s reign.