What might you consider when advising your patient on contraceptive options?

What might you consider when advising your patient on contraceptive options?

Your age and health history. Your reproductive goals, such as the number of children you want and how soon you want to get pregnant. Relationship factors, including marital status, number of sexual partners, how often you have sex and partner preferences.

How do you discuss contraception with a patient?

Task-oriented communication

  1. 1) Offer adequate counseling regarding side effects and risks.
  2. 2) Communicate about contraceptive efficacy in a meaningful way.
  3. 3) Anticipate and address barriers to consistent and correct contraceptive use.
  4. 4) Address (mis) perceptions of low susceptibility to pregnancy.

Where can you go to discuss contraception options?

Contraception – choices

  • You can discuss your contraception options with a GP or health nurse.
  • Methods of contraception that are available include: implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), injections, pills, vaginal rings, barrier methods, sterilisation, emergency contraception and natural methods.

What is the role of contraceptive care in the primary care setting?

CONCLUSIONS. Contraceptive counseling in primary care settings is associated with increased hormonal contraceptive use at last intercourse. Increasing provision of contraceptive counseling in primary care may reduce unintended pregnancy.

When should you discuss contraception?

The Contraceptive Health Visit Ideally, the initial reproductive health visit should take place between ages 13 years and 15 years and should encompass a discussion about contraception and STIs in addition to preventive medicine services such as human papillomavirus vaccination 7.

How is contraceptive effectiveness assessed?

Contraception effectiveness is measured by how many women will get pregnant within a year of using that method. For example, the effectiveness of male condoms with perfect use is 98%. This means out of 100 women using condoms correctly all the time, two will become pregnant within one year.

What are the 5 types of birth control?

There are many different methods of birth control including condoms, IUDs, birth control pills, the rhythm method, vasectomy, and tubal ligation.

What contraception doesn’t cause weight gain?

For most people the combined hormonal pill, patch, and ring do not appear to cause weight gain and the hormonal IUD likely doesn’t cause weight gain. The implant and the shot may contribute to weight gain in some people.

What is the best type of contraception?

Some types of birth control work better than others. The kinds of birth control that work the best to prevent pregnancy are the implant and IUDs — they’re also the most convenient to use, and the most foolproof. Other birth control methods, like the pill, ring, patch, and shot, are also really good at preventing pregnancy if you use them perfectly.

What are the best birth control options?

Birth control pill.

  • IUD.
  • Condoms (male and female)
  • Permanent birth control.
  • Newer options.
  • What is the best form of contraception?

    The copper IUD is the most effective method of emergency contraception. It can be inserted within five days of unprotected intercourse or, if the date of ovulation can be estimated, up to five days after ovulation, in women for whom they are suitable.

    Which are effective methods of contraception?

    The most popular forms of birth control in the United States, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, are oral contraception, tubal ligation (having your tubes tied), and condoms.