What media queries should I use for mobile?

What media queries should I use for mobile?

Now let’s see some common breakpoints for widths of devices:

  • 320px — 480px: Mobile devices.
  • 481px — 768px: iPads, Tablets.
  • 769px — 1024px: Small screens, laptops.
  • 1025px — 1200px: Desktops, large screens.
  • 1201px and more — Extra large screens, TV.

What can I use instead of a media query?

Ever since we started to have computing devices in various sizes, the concept of responsive design came out. And it also comes to attention that the distance between you and the device also varies based on how big the screen is.

What is Max-width of mobile?

Mobile (Smartphone) max-width: 480px. Low Resolution Tablets and ipads max-width: 767px.

What are mobile breakpoints?

Mobile breakpoints are the sizes for mobile devices. For example, a responsive design may have three sizes — desktop, tablet, smartphone. In that case, the mobile breakpoints would be the tablet and smartphone size.

How can I make my site responsive without media query?

Here are some techniques that will help you accomplish a responsive website without media queries:

  1. Percentage Padding and Margins. Use a percentage for the padding and margin of elements.
  2. Floats.
  3. Max-width.
  4. Percentage Width.

How can I make my page responsive without using media query?

With Grid & Flexbox, you can certainly make responsive websites without specifying media query breakpoints. Okay, let’s dive into the CSS. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript. properties first….How is it Possible with CSS?

  1. flex-grow.
  2. flex-shrink.
  3. flex-basis.

Do media queries work on all browsers?

Media Queries Support CSS Media queries are supported in Internet Explorer (IE) 9+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 3+, Opera 7+, as well as on smartphones and other screen-based devices. Although older versions of IE don’t support media queries, still there is a way you can make it work.

Does IE9 display the desktop version of a media query?

However, in IE9, the CSS inside this media query is rendered on load no matter what the size is. After it loads however, if I change the browser size at all, it rerenders as the desktop version, as it should.

Does IE9 support media queries for non-external CSS?

I have a page which uses non-external CSS in the

Do you need a media query for mobile?

Having a mobile-friendly site has become more of a necessity than an option. However, while there are multiple ways to create a mobile version of a website, the most practical and beneficial is to use a media query for mobile.

What is a common CSS media query for mobile devices?

For example, a common CSS media query for mobile devices is to change the menu style, since these devices often have completely different requirements for menus. The typical horizontal menu used on desktop screens doesn’t work on a phone because it makes buttons too small to tap on with a finger.