What is a level equivalent to in Germany?

What is a level equivalent to in Germany?

The Advanced Level (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level), generally shortened to “A-level”, poses the highest school-leaving qualification within the school systems of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Germany, this corresponds roughly to the “Fachabitur”.

How many subjects do you need for Abitur?

Those who take the Abitur must choose four or five subjects, including at least one science, one humanity/social science, and a language or art. Various assessments over the two years, including big final exams, amount to an overall grade, which ranges from one to six.

What happens if you fail the Abitur?

Passing the Abitur requires a total score of at least 280 in a complicated scale of points and grades, acquired in the final two years of high school. Students with a score below 280 fail and will not receive their Abitur. All this work ends with the final the oral exam.

What does Abitur mean in German?

History and Etymology for Abitur borrowed from German, borrowed from Latin abitūrus “about to depart, one who is going to depart,” future participle of abīre “to go off, depart, pass on”

How is Abitur graded?

Abitur subject grades are expressed as marks out of 15 points, whilst overall Abitur grades are expressed using the six point scale to one place after the decimal point e.g. 2.3. Some states use a more granular scale of 1- (= 1.25), 1-2 (= 1.5), 2+ (= 1.75)or decimal grading (1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and so on).

What is Fachabitur in Germany?

Largely known also as “Fachabitur” this German higher education entrance qualification allows you to commence further studies at a University of Applied Sciences “Fachhochschule”. This certificate can be obtained by completing a study program lasting at least 2 years, at a vocational school “Fachoberschule”.

Is A-levels accepted in Germany?

The four subjects that you offer at A and AS level must include a language and maths or a natural science. Please bear in mind that almost every Bachelor degree in Germany is offered in the German language. A’ levels that are not in academic subjects, such as sport, drama, design and technology will not be recognised.

Is Abitur A level?

The Abitur is a broad qualification more akin to a Baccalaureate qualification than the UK A level.

What is Abitur grade?

“The Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife” usually referred as “Abitur” or as “Abiturzeugnis” is an education certificate that leavers “Abiturientenexamen” of a recognized German school, in Germany or abroad, will receive by completing 12-13 consecutive schooling years and by successfully passing the final school- …

What is Abitur in the US?

The Abitur is the German version of an High School diploma after 12/13 years (depending on the state you are in). The Abitur is a matriculation examination, you could compare it to the A-levels.

Wie ist die Gesamtzahl der Punkte in der Abiturnote?

Einbringen von Kursen und Berechnung der Abiturnote Die Gesamtzahl der Punkte ergibt sich aus zwei Blöcken: Insgesamt sind 300 – 900 Punkte erreichbar. Die Gesamtzahl der Punkte wird anhand derTabelle in eine Abitur-Durchschnittsnote umgerechnet.

Wie schwierig ist die Abiturprüfung in Rheinland-Pfalz?

Am schwierigsten scheint es derzeit in Rheinland-Pfalz, die Abiturprüfung überhaupt nicht zu bestehen. Nur 1,4 Prozent der dort Angemeldeten widerfuhr das. In Bremen sind es immerhin 5,3 Prozent. Auch hier hat Berlin erstaunlichste Leistungen zu bieten.

Wie hoch ist die notennote in Baden-Württemberg?

Sie weisen etwa für das Jahr 2002 in Baden-Württemberg ein Notenmittel von 2,35 aus, während der Abiturjahrgang von 2012 im Durchschnitt mit 2,41 abschnitt. In Berlin hingegen ist die Durchschnittsnote im selben Zeitraum von 2,76 auf 2,4 gesunken.