How do I remove newsfeed from Firefox?

How do I remove newsfeed from Firefox?

To access the Library, click the orange “Firefox” button and click “Bookmarks,” or press “Ctrl-Shift-B” on your keyboard. Select “Bookmarks Toolbar,” right-click a news feed folder and select “Delete.”

How do I turn off news feed on Facebook?

Those with the Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system can head into Settings, choose Apps, then select Facebook, select Permissions, and then set Location to “off.”

How do I stop Facebook news feed on my Iphone?

To set it up, download Feedless from the App Store. Go to Settings > Safari > Content Blockers and enable Feedless. Now, when you visit Facebook in Safari, you won’t see any posts in the News Feed. If you want to, you can disable it, but that means giving in.

How do I delete a Thunderbird feed?

Like any other account in Thunderbird. Open account settings. Select the unwanted account. At the bottom of the window, Account Actions offers “Remove account”.

How do I remove a feed from Thunderbird?

Delete an RSS Feed in Thunderbird

  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Right-click an RSS feed beneath Blogs & News Feeds.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Delete Folder.

How do I get rid of Google News?

To completely turn off news notifications, fire up the Google News app, tap your user icon in the top-right corner and hit Settings > Notifications. The toggle at the top of the page will let you turn all Google News notifications off.

How do I block news feed in Chrome?

Android: Enable or Disable Google Feed

  1. From the Home screen, tap “Apps“.
  2. Choose “Google“.
  3. Tap the “Menu” button in the upper-left corner.
  4. Select “Settings“.
  5. Choose “Your feed“.
  6. Set the settings on the screen as deisred: The “Notifications” setting controls whether or not updates display in the notification area.

What is news feed eradicator?

News Feed Eradicator for Facebook is a Chrome web browser extension that replaces your news feed on Facebook with an inspirational quote.

How does news feed eradicator work?

News Feed Eradicator removes most updates from your news feed, but you can still follow important topics on Facebook while using the plugin. One way is to click the Pages Feed — which shows posts from the pages you’ve Liked.

How do I add an RSS feed to Thunderbird?

To subscribe to an RSS feed in Thunderbird, do the following:

  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Click Blogs & News Feeds on the left side of the window.
  3. Click Manage subscriptions.
  4. Type or paste the address of an RSS feed into the Feed URL box.

What is news feed Eradicator and how does it work?

This is where News Feed Eradicator comes in. News Feed Eradicator removes the most addicting part of Facebook, Twitter and other social networks – the feed – and replaces it instead with an inspirational quote. You can still use the other functionality as usual, you just won’t get sucked into the attention hole.

How do I turn off Facebook news feed on Firefox?

As with Chromium-based browsers, Firefox users can install the News Feed Eradicator extension to make the Facebook News Feed disappear, too. It’s available through Firefox Add-ons and works exactly the same way as it does on Chrome. Once installed, a basic settings page will load up, and you simply have to make sure the Facebook toggle is enabled.

How to make the Facebook news feed disappear?

Now, go to Facebook and instead of the cluttered News Feed, you’ll see an inspirational quote and nothing else. As with Chromium-based browsers, Firefox users can install the News Feed Eradicator extension to make the Facebook News Feed disappear, too. It’s available through Firefox Add-ons and works exactly the same way as it does on Chrome.

Is NFE finally coming to Firefox?

With over 100,000 users on Chrome, NFE has finally arrived on Firefox! Do you often want to check Facebook, and then find yourself disappearing for hours as you are consumed by the bottomless pit that is the News Feed? Do you want your life back, but can’t bear to delete Facebook altogether?