Why did the parliament pass the Tea Act of 1773?

Why did the parliament pass the Tea Act of 1773?

On April 27, 1773, the British Parliament passes the Tea Act, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company from bankruptcy by greatly lowering the tea tax it paid to the British government and, thus, granting it a de facto monopoly on the American tea trade.

What did the passing of the Tea Act lead to?

The Tea Act, passed by Parliament on May 10, 1773, granted the British East India Company Tea a monopoly on tea sales in the American colonies. The passing of the Tea Act imposed no new taxes on the American colonies. The tax on tea had existed since the passing of the 1767 Townshend Revenue Act.

Why did Parliament passed the Tea Act of 1773 quizlet?

In 1773 the British the British parliament passed the Tea Act. It was ment to help the British in the East India company. The Tea Act actually lowered the price of tea.

How did parliament respond to the protests against the Tea Act?

How did Parliament respond to the protests against the Tea Act? It raised the tea tax. More than 5,000 colonists met to decide what to do about the shipment of tea. Which of the following Intolerable Acts related to the housing of British troops?

Why were the colonists upset about the Tea Act?

American colonists were outraged over the tea tax. They believed the Tea Act was a tactic to gain colonial support for the tax already enforced. The direct sale of tea by agents of the British East India Company to the American colonies undercut the business of colonial merchants.

Why did colonists hate the Tea Act?

What happened in 1773 after a shipment of tea arrived in Boston Harbor quizlet?

What happened in 1773 after a shipment of tea arrived in Boston Harbor? The colonists agreed to pay the tax, even though they disagreed with it. The governor of Massachusetts refused to let the ships into the harbor. More than 5,000 colonists met to decide what to do about the shipment of tea.

Which protest against the Tea Act of 1773 was most common?

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.

Why did the Tea Act of 1773 Anger colonists Brainly?

Why did the Tea Act of 1773 anger colonists? It meant they would not be able to buy tea. It closed the port of Boston to all trade.

What rights did the Tea Act violate?

The colonists resisted the Tea Act more because it violated the constitutional principle of self-government by consent than because they could not afford the tax, which had existed since the passage of the 1767 Townshend Revenue Act.

Why was the Tea Act of 1773 so important?

The Tea act of 1773 was an attempt to assist the British East India Company out of its financial troubles. This act in effect gave the company a virtual monopoly on the tea trade in the colonies. By eliminating the middlemen, it made the tea cheaper than the highly taxed imported tea that the colonial merchants sold.

What are some facts about the Tea Act?

The Tea Act was an Act of Great Britain’s Parliament to impose a tax on tea and reduce the massive tea surplus of the British East India Company in London, a company in financial trouble. The Tea Act was part of a group of taxes imposed on the colonies by Britain called The Townsend Acts .

How did Britain react to the Tea Act?

slide 2 of 6. Colonial Reaction to the Tea Act Many colonists, urged by their local merchants, responded to the Tea Act by boycotting tea.Colonial women, who were heavy tea drinkers, also lent a hand in this symbolic resistance to British taxation.

What caused Tea Act?

The Tea Act directly caused the Boston Tea Party and contributed to political conflicts between Britain and the colonies, which helped cause the Revolutionary War. On May 10, 1773, the Tea Act was passed by Parliament , with the intention of getting the British East Tea Company out of debt.