Why did Aristagoras start the Ionian Revolt?

Why did Aristagoras start the Ionian Revolt?

In a desperate attempt to save himself, Aristagoras chose to incite his own subjects, the Milesians, to revolt against their Persian masters, thereby beginning the Ionian Revolt. In autumn 499 BC, Aristagoras held a meeting with the members of his faction in Miletus.

Who was Aristagoras of Miletus?

Aristagoras, (died 497), Tyrant of Miletus. He assumed his regency from his father-in-law, Histiaeus (d. 494 bc), who had lost the trust of the Persian emperor, Darius I. Possibly incited by Histiaeus, and with support from Athens and Eretria, Aristagoras raised the Ionian revolt against Persia.

What happened in 499 BC Greece?

The siege of Naxos (499 BC) was a failed attempt by the Milesian tyrant Aristagoras, operating with support from, and in the name of the Persian Empire of Darius the Great, to conquer the island of Naxos. It was the opening act of the Greco-Persian Wars, which would ultimately last for 50 years.

What happened in the Ionian Revolt?

Ionian revolt, uprising (499–494 bce) of some of the Ionian cities of Asia Minor against their Persian overlords. The cities deposed their own tyrants and, with help from Athens, tried unsuccessfully to throw off Persian domination.

What did aristagoras do?

Aristagoras was the main orchestrator of the Ionian Revolt on secret instruction by Histiaeus, when the latter learned of Persian plans to interfere directly in Miletus. Aristagoras took advantage of Greek dissatisfaction with Persian rule to incite an alliance of the Greek poleis of Ionia.

When Did the Ionian revolt start?

499 BC – 493 BC
Ionian Revolt/Periods

Who did Darius vow revenge against?

In Cyprus, the king Gorgus is deposed by his brother Onesilus, who joins the revolt against Persia; only Amathus (on the southern coast) remains loyal, and is besieged by Onesilus (104). Darius hears of the revolt, and vows vengeance on the Athenians (105).

Why did the Ionian revolt fail?

The Ionian revolt failed because the European and the Asiatic Greeks did not combine. Sparta, the strongest military power did not come forward with the help it could render. Personal aggrandisement, rather than national or general Greek interest was the root cause of the revolt.

How did the Ionian revolt happen?

The immediate trigger of the revolt was the failure of an attack on Naxos. A group of exiles convinced Aristagoras to support their attempt to regain power on Naxos. He won the support of Artaphernes, satrap of Lydia, who won over Darius I.

Why did the Ionians revolt against Persian rule?

According to Herodotus one of the causes of the revolt was the plotting of Histiaeus, deposed Tyrant of Miletus. He was living in forced exile at the Persian court at Susa, while his son-in-law Aristagoras ruled Miletus. Histiaeus wrote to his successor encouraging him to revolt.

Why did Darius I want to get revenge against Athens?

Answer: King Darius wanted revenge on the Greek city-states because they helped the Ionians rebel against Persia.

Who is Aristagoras?

Aristagoras ( Greek: Ἀρισταγόρας ὁ Μιλήσιος ), d. 497/496 BC, was the leader of the Ionian city of Miletus in the late 6th century BC and early 5th century BC and a key player during the early years of the Ionian Revolt against the Persian Achaemenid Empire. He was the son-in-law of Histiaeus, and inherited the tyranny of Miletus from him.

How did Aristagoras get the Ionians to revolt against Darius?

The mission was a debacle, and sensing his imminent removal as tyrant, Aristagoras chose to incite the whole of Ionia into rebellion against the Persian king Darius the Great . In 498 BC, supported by troops from Athens and Eretria, the Ionians marched on, captured, and burnt Sardis.

What was the Ionian Revolt?

The Ionian Revolt, and associated revolts in Aeolis, Doris, Cyprus and Caria, were military rebellions by several Greek regions of Asia Minor against Persian rule, lasting from 499 BC to 493 BC.

Why did Aristagoras plan a revolt against the Milesians?

Due to his failure to make good on his Naxian promises, Aristagoras’ political position was at risk. He began to plan a revolt with the Milesians and the other Ionians. Meanwhile, Histiaeus, still detained at Susa, had tattooed a message upon the shaved head of a slave. Once his hair had grown back, he sent him to Aristagoras.