Where is huluga cave located?

Where is huluga cave located?

Cagayan de Oro City
Huluga Caves is a prehistoric site in the Philippines. It is located in the south end of Cagayan de Oro City, about eight kilometers away. Composed of the two main caverns, it is situated on the eastern side of Cagayan de Oro River, along the brow of a vertical limestone cliff.

What is huluga?

Huluga is a promontory overlooking Cagayan River. It’s in sitio Taguanao, barangay Indahag, near Lawndale Spring — eight kilometers from St. Augustine Cathedral. A promontory is a “high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water.”

What is the meaning of Paluwagan?

Paluwagan is an informal group saving or money-lending system in the Philippines. It has an English equivalent, the Rotating Credit and Savings Association (ROSCA), which operates in different parts of the world.

Is Paluwagan illegal?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Tuesday confirmed that REPA or REPA Paluwagan, which has lured unwitting investors including Boholanos trying to survive the economic impact of the pandemic, is an unregistered entity that is not authorized to solicit investments.

Is Paluwagan a pyramid scheme?

Online Paluwagan Scams According to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), paluwagan works like a pyramid scheme, in which members earn income from the money of new recruits.

What is the point of Paluwagan?

Paluwagan, which literally means ‘easing up,’ is a traditional Filipino practice of pooling savings funds common among close friends and colleagues with the purpose of saving and making a lump sum for certain financial goals such as bigger purchases at the time of scheduled redemption or payout.

Is Paluwagan legit?

Your money doesn’t grow in a paluwagan—it’s just a way to save money. It doesn’t earn any interest or profit, so it isn’t an option if you want to invest. Beware of people who invite you to join a paluwagan and promise a huge profit. It’s likely a scam.

Where is the Huluga Caves located?

Huluga Caves is a prehistoric site in the Philippines. It is located in the south end of Cagayan de Oro City, about eight kilometers away. Composed of the two main caverns, it is situated on the eastern side of Cagayan de Oro River, along the brow of a vertical limestone cliff.

Is there a prehistoric graveyard in Cagayan de Oro?

September 29, 2009 — A prehistoric graveyard intact with human skeletal remains and associated funerary materials has been unearthed in Cagayan de Oro. The site is part of the Huluga Archaeological Complex in sitio Taguanao, barangay Indahag about eight kilometers south of the city center. [ More]

What is the history of Huluga site?

Aside from its continuing archeological yields, the Huluga Site is believed to have been the site of prehistoric Cagayan de Oro known in written historical documents as ” Himologan “. When the Spanish soldiers and Augustinian friars arrived in Cagayan in the year 1622, there was no town in the area that existed.

What is Huluga made of?

Huluga is composed of two areas: Open Site and caves. The prehistoric inhabitants of Huluga used the Open Site for their village, which was fortified. The caves were used mainly as burial ground.