What jobs did Mike Lupica have?

What jobs did Mike Lupica have?

Mike Lupica is a longtime sports columnist and commentator who started his career covering the New York Knicks when he was just 23. In the past 30 years, he’s written for newspapers and magazines, authored biographies of professional athletes, and appeared as a television anchor for ESPN.

What is Mike Lupica’s favorite sport?

On sale 11/06/2018. A fast-paced, heartfelt story for basketball fans that proves being a good teammate remains the most important quality in basketball—and in life, from New York Times bestselling author Mike Lupica. Wes’ father always told him that there was only one ball in basketball.

What was Mike Lupica’s first book?

Mike Lupica, newspaper columnist and TV sports commentator, has written many books for adults, and his first book for children, Travel Team, hit #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list.

Where was Mike Lupica born?

Oneida, NY
Mike Lupica/Place of birth

What book awards has Mike Lupica won?

He has received numerous honors, including the 2003 Jim Murray Award from the National Football Foundation. This past year he was named New York Sports Columnist of the Year by the National Association of Sportswriters and Sportscasters.

What did Mike Lupica do as a kid?

KP: What did you learn as a kid that helps you as a sportswriter? ML: All I ever wanted to do was to write. So when I was 10 years old, I was writing mysteries and adventures with me as the main character. In high school, I wrote columns of one-liners that are similar to my “Shooting From the Lip” columns now.

What inspired Mike Lupica to write?

Mike Lupica was inspired by comic books to write ‘Hero,’ about a boy with super powers. “All my kids are heroes. Lupica took time out from working in what he calls his writing cottage at his home in Connecticut to talk to KidsPost’s Tracy Grant about kids, stories and superpowers.