What is the Superconscious mind?

What is the Superconscious mind?

The superconscious mind encompasses a level of awareness that sees beyond material reality and taps into the energy and consciousness behind that reality. Some refer to this as the “ether” – the essence of the universe – a flow of electromagnetic waves that permeate all matter and space.

How do I access my sub conscious mind?

Try the following steps to access your subconscious:

  1. Close your eyes and go within.
  2. Once centered, open your eyes and look in a mirror. Focus on your eyes.
  3. Think the following thoughts, in the order written: I see who you are. I hear who you are. I feel who you are. I know who you have been. I am who you will be.

How do you develop super consciousness?

  1. So let’s get into what the superconscious state of being is exactly.
  2. Get into love and gratitude states.
  3. Keep your body moving and flexible.
  4. Relax the mind and body.
  5. Ask for what you want.
  6. Allow it to flow.
  7. Eat clean and eat for vibration.
  8. Practice Transcendental Meditation.

What’s the difference between subconscious and Superconscious?

The subconscious mind, lies below the level of conscious awareness. Its physical seat in the body is the lower brain and the spine. The superconscious mind encompasses a level of awareness that sees both material reality and also the energy and consciousness behind that reality.

Which mind is more powerful?

Your subconscious mind is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating and breathing to digesting and making memories.

How do you tap into your brain power?

10 Ways To Use Your Mind Power

  1. Be Conscious About What You’re Putting in Your Head.
  2. Work on Desire.
  3. Have the Right Sources.
  4. Give Yourself a Drive to Learn.
  5. Be Open to Change.
  6. Allow Yourself to Be Creative or Successful.
  7. Don’t Let Others’ Thoughts Influence You.
  8. Be Around Positive People and Things.

What is the Superconscious state also known as?

4) The superconscious state, also known as the higher Self, can be attained through meditation. The individual self can practice keeping the spine straight and directing energy toward the seat of superconsciousness between the eyebrows, also known as the ajna chakra, Christ center, third and spiritual eye. (

Can you have two consciousness?

Dual consciousness is a theoretical concept in neuroscience. It is proposed that it is possible that a person may develop two separate conscious entities within their one brain after undergoing a corpus callosotomy.

What is the power of the superconscious mind?

The Power of the Superconscious Mind The conscious mind is the analytical and logical part of your brain. It analyzes data based from your five senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. The conscious mind is able to distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, up or down, etc.

How do you access the superconscious?

The superconscious isn’t bounded by any limitations, and anything that you desire can be made possible through it.You’ll only be able to access the superconscious through your subconscious mind as it acts as the portal between these two aspects of consciousness.

What is the superconscious mind (Infinite Intelligence)?

The superconscious mind – also known as Infinite Intelligence, Divine Mind, The Source, or Higher Self – contains all the information, wisdom, and knowledge about the universe. Everything that exists and has existed in the past, including future events and knowledge, are already contained in the superconscious.

What is the conscious mind?

The conscious mind is the analytical and logical part of your brain. It analyzes data based from your five senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste.