What is Beaton?

What is Beaton?

Introducing BeatOn! BeatOn is a beautiful new Quest app that lets you download & install new Beat Saber maps, sabers and mods without needing a computer! to get SideQuest setup with your Quest if you haven’t already.

How does Beaton present Dietrich’s role as a performer?

Dietrich’s exaggerated body language and the use of theatrical props, jewellery and clothing also make reference to her role as a performer. Mirrors and reflections were a reoccurring theme in Beaton’s work and here he plays with the idea, placing Dietrich’s face alongside that of a mannequin with a similar hairstyle and eyebrows.

What is Beaton and SideQuest?

BeatOn is a beautiful new Quest app that lets you download & install new Beat Saber maps, sabers and mods without needing a computer! to get SideQuest setup with your Quest if you haven’t already.

Why did Beaton place Dietrich’s face next to a mannequin?

Mirrors and reflections were a reoccurring theme in Beaton’s work and here he plays with the idea, placing Dietrich’s face alongside that of a mannequin with a similar hairstyle and eyebrows.