What happened to ggvis?
Status. ggvis is currently dormant. We fundamentally believe in the ideas that underlie ggvis: reactive programming is the right foundation for interactive visualisation.
What is Ggvis package?
ggvis is a data visualization package for R which lets you: Declaratively describe data graphics with a syntax similar in spirit to ggplot2. Create rich interactive graphics that you can play with locally in Rstudio or in your browser.
Why use ggvis?
The goal of ggvis is to make it easy to build interactive graphics for exploratory data analysis. ggvis has a similar underlying theory to ggplot2 (the grammar of graphics), but it’s expressed a little differently, and adds new features to make your plots interactive. Add interactivity with the mouse and keyboard.
What are the graphics produced by ggvis?
The graphics produced by ggvis are fundamentally web graphics and work very differently from traditional R graphics. This allows us to implement exciting new features like interactivity, but it comes at a cost.
What is the difference between QVIS and ggvis?
There are two primary functions in ggvis that are used to create plots: qvis and ggvis. qvis provides a streamlined interface which is suitable for simple plots; when you need more control over plots, ggvis may be more appropriate. In some of the simpler examples below, we’ll show equivalent code qvis and ggvis.
Can you use R with ggvis?
For example, every interactive ggvis plot must be connected to a running R session (static plots do not need a running R session to be viewed). This is great for exploration, because you can do anything in your interactive plot you can do in R, but it’s not so great for publication.
How do I plot in ggvis?
Every ggvis graphic starts with a call to ggvis (). The first argument is the data set that you want to plot, and the other arguments describe how to map variables to visual properties. This doesn’t actually plot anything because you haven’t told ggvis how to display your data.