What do you do with the stone and metal object in Resident Evil?

What do you do with the stone and metal object in Resident Evil?

Purpose. This object grants access to the courtyard on the mansion grounds. Another Stone & Metal Object can later be constructed, providing access to the tomb of Jessica Trevor via the mansion’s entrance hall.

What is the metal object for in Resident Evil?

One is used to open the door in the Roofed Passage to access the Garden Shed and, ultimately, the Courtyard. Later on when you acquire the second Stone and Metal Object by combining the Stone Ring with the Metal Object, you can remove the first one from its place in the Roofed Passage.

What do I do with the Eagle Medal?

Purpose. The Medal of Eagle is one of the items needed to access the Arklay Laboratory underneath the mansion, along with the Medal of Wolf. The player must place it in the hollow slot on the east side of the Courtyard Fountain. Placing both medals will open the entrance to the lab.

Where do you put the eagle and wolf Medal?

The Medal of Wolf is one of the two items needed to access the Arklay Laboratory, along with the Medal of Eagle. The player must place it in the hollow slot on the west side of the Courtyard Fountain. Placing both medals will open the entrance to the lab.

Should I give the gun to Barry?

Don’t give Barry his gun back, and let him die at the hands of Lisa. You must, however, save Chris. Barry’s early death will lead to a different approach to the final boss battle, which will in turn unlock a different ending.

How do you open the Jewellery box in Resident Evil?

To unlock the box, you must press the two buttons which resemble a heart shape. One is on the box’s front; the other is on the back. Inside, the Mask without eyes, nose, or mouth. is revealed.

Where is the Eagle medal in Resident Evil 2?

Claire A (Normal) On the dead body of the sewer maintenance worker.

Where is the courtyard fountain in Resident Evil?

The door on the left side leads to the Helipad, however it’s welded therefore it does not open. A fountain can be seen at the centre of the place. In the 2002 remake, the garden is entered from the Altar room.