Is Byron Bay honey pure?

Is Byron Bay honey pure?

All our honeys contain exclusively 100% Australian produce without blended inferior honeys imported from Mexico, Argentina, India or China. They are free of rice syrup, added sugar, glucose, artificial sweeteners or preservatives and have distinct flavours and unique aromas.

Where is flow hive located at in Australia?

Flow Hives can be found on The Farm inside the Apiary. Honey is considered the nectar of the Gods, and anyone who’s tasted honey harvested from a Flow Hive knows it’s pretty special. The Flow Hive was invented near Byron Bay by father and son team, Stuart and Cedar Anderson (they come from a lineage of beekeepers).

Is Byron Bay honey Australian owned?

Since 1993, family-owned and operated company Byron Bay Honey has been supplying natural and authentic honey from the coastal regions of eastern Australia.

Do flow hives come with bees?

Package of bees The package consists of several thousand bees and a queen, but does not include frames. In most countries you have to pick up your packaged bees from a supplier, in some places they can get posted in the mail.

Who owns Byron Bay honey?

Michael Howes
Owners – Michael Howes Tyagarah Apiaries is a beekeeping and honey producing business specialising in the harvesting and supply of Active Jellybush Honey. We have been in operation for over 15 years and run over 500 beehives in and around the Byron Shire.

How much is Flow Hive worth?

A HUMBLE Australian beekeeper, who used crowd-funding to revolutionise the way the world extracts honey from bee hives, made a cool $16m.

Are flow hives easy?

Conclusion. Flow Hives make it not only easy to harvest honey, but also they also produce very clear honey. The honey that flows out does not need sieving. It is free of quashed bees, wax and other impurities.

Are flow hives worth it?

The Flow Hive costs more than most other beehives and some beekeepers aren’t so eager to make such a large investment. It’s hard to say if the Flow Hive is worth the price. Many people are really pleased with their beehive and say it is absolutely worth it. While others find it to be a rip off.

How do you get bees to move into a beehive?

How to Attract Bees To a New Hive in 5 EASY Steps

  1. Determine When Swarm Season Is.
  2. Buy Or Build A Bait Hive. Use An Old Hive. Build A Bait Hive. Swarm Traps.
  3. Apply The Lure.
  4. Position Your Bait Box.
  5. Wait For The Bees To Move In.

Can dogs eat honey?

Honey is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. It contains natural sugars and small amounts of vitamins and minerals, and is used as a sweetener in many foods and beverages. Raw honey should not be fed to puppies or dogs with compromised immune systems, as it may contain the presence of botulism spores.

What is the healthiest honey to buy?

Honey also has antibacterial properties and can soothe a cough or effectively treat wounds. Overall, the healthiest type of honey is raw, unprocessed honey, as there are no additives or preservatives.