How do I find birth records in Illinois?

How do I find birth records in Illinois?

Search the IRAD local governmental records database for the term birth to get a listing of all birth records held by IRAD. Researchers may contact the county clerk’s office in the county where the birth occurred if IRAD does not have birth records for that county.

Where can I find Illinois birth records for free?

Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) – many Illinois vital records are available at low or no cost via IRAD. Check the IRAD Local Government Records Database to see if birth records are available for the county for that date range. Select the county from the list and search for the word “Birth”.

How can I research birth records for free?

National Vital Records Archives: State Department of Public Health where the event was recorded (you can check here where to write for vital records) Genealogy websites like or

How can I find out what time I was born?

Locate a copy of your birth certificate. A long form birth certificate should list the time of your birth. If you do not have a copy of your birth certificate you will have to search deeper.

Can I look my birth certificate up online?

Online United States vital records are found on a number of websites, such as,, or state government sites. Some states have not placed their records online and it is necessary for near kin to fill out forms and order copies of certificates.

Can I lookup my birth time online?

Use a Birth Record Finder How this works varies by state, so your best bet is to find your state’s vital records web page through the National Center for Health Statistics and go from there, or you can use the VitalChek website to request a copy of your birth certificate.

Are mugshots public record in Illinois?

Mugshots and arrest details remain public information in Illinois.