How do I find a process with a specific name?

How do I find a process with a specific name?

Procedure to find process by name on Linux

  1. Open the terminal application.
  2. Type the pidof command as follows to find PID for firefox process: pidof firefox.
  3. Or use the ps command along with grep command as follows: ps aux | grep -i firefox.
  4. To look up or signal processes based on name use:

How do I find the PID process name?

Find Process Name from PID through Task Manager

  1. Open the Task Manger, click the menu View and click Select Columns.
  2. Select the column Process Identifier(PID) and click OK.
  3. Now you can find Process Name (Image Name) by mapping PID value. Related Reads.

How do I find the process name in Ubuntu?

Check running process in Ubuntu Linux

  1. Open the terminal window on Ubuntu Linux.
  2. For remote Ubuntu Linux server use the ssh command for log in purpose.
  3. Type the ps aux command to see all running process in Ubuntu Linux.
  4. Alternatively, you can issue the top command/htop command to view running process in Ubuntu Linux.

What is the command to display the name of a process in Linux?

You need to use the ps command. It provides information about the currently running processes, including their process identification numbers (PIDs). Both Linux and UNIX support the ps command to display information about all running process.

Whats is PID?

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of a woman’s reproductive organs. It is a complication often caused by some STDs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea. Other infections that are not sexually transmitted can also cause PID.

How do I find my PID in CMD?

Use the Command Prompt In the Start menu search bar, search for command prompt and select Run as administrator. Type tasklist. Press Enter. Command Prompt will now display the PID for the running processes.

How do I find the process ID of a process in Linux?

The easiest way to find out if process is running is run ps aux command and grep process name. If you got output along with process name/pid, your process is running.

How can we find the process name from its process ID in Linux?

With Linux, the info is in the /proc filesystem. To get the command line for process id 9999, read the file /proc/9999/cmdline . And to get the process name for process id 9999, read the file /proc/9999/comm .

How do I see processes in Linux?

Check running process in Linux

  1. Open the terminal window on Linux.
  2. For remote Linux server use the ssh command for log in purpose.
  3. Type the ps aux command to see all running process in Linux.
  4. Alternatively, you can issue the top command or htop command to view running process in Linux.


PID is a serious complication of chlamydia and gonorrhea, two of the most common reportable infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the US. Women with PID may present with a variety of clinical signs and symptoms that range from unnoticeable or subtle and mild to severe.

How do I find a process name in Linux terminal?

Procedure to find process by name on Linux Open the terminal application. Type the pidof command as follows to find PID for firefox process: Or use the ps command along with grep command as follows: To look up or signal processes based on name use:

How do I list all running processes in Linux terminal?

How to List Running Processes in Linux using the ps Command You can list running processes using the ps command (ps means process status ). The ps command displays your currently running processes in real-time.

How do I get the process ID of a program in Linux?

Using pidof command to grab PIDs for any named program on Linux. The pidof command finds the process id’s (pids) of the named programs such as sshd, firefox and more. For example: $ pidof sshd. $ pidof firefox. Sample outputs:

How do I find the PID of a process in Linux?

All the criteria have to match. For example, will only list the processes called sshd AND owned by root user: The -C option asks ps command to select PIDs by command name. The pidof command finds the process id’s (pids) of the named programs such as sshd, firefox and more.