What quest Do you meet fenris?

What quest Do you meet fenris?

Bait and Switch
Bait and Switch is an Act 1 secondary quest in Dragon Age II. During this quest, Hawke meets Fenris, an escaped slave who is being hunted by his former master, a Tevinter Magister named Danarius.

Is Carver better as a Templar or warden?

Templar Carver has a few minor cameos and some lines in Legacy, but Warden Carver has many more cameos, more lines, and whatnot. Especially when you become Champion and then do Legacy. Carver says that they were meant for greatness, him being a Warden and Hawke being Champion.

Is Fenris a female?

Fenris is based on the Norse wolf god Fenrir, which was destined to kill Odin during Ragnarök. The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of Fenris is a female, unlike her mythological counterpart (which is a male) and her comic book counterpart (which is gender-fluid).

Does fenris always break up with you?

Second-Act Breakup — Fenris will always break up with Hawke following their night together in Act 2, knowing he is not ready for a committed relationship yet.

Who is Meeran in Dragon Age 2?

Meeran is the leader of the mercenary band known as the Red Iron. Dragon Age II. Meeran is involved in the quest The Destruction of Lothering. Upon arrival at Kirkwall ‘s Gallows, Hawke is presented with two options for employment, one of which is to sign on with Meeran and his Red Iron; the other option is to join Athenril and her smugglers.

Should I join Meeran or athenril?

On the one hand, joining Athenril means that your officially a member of a criminal organization which caused me to initially lead towards Meeran. However, Meeran requires you to actually kill somebody while Athenril is more liberal in how you can complete your task. What do you think?

Why does Meeran want Hawke to kill Friedrich?

Upon arrival at Kirkwall ‘s Gallows, Hawke is presented with two options for employment, one of which is to sign on with Meeran and his Red Iron; the other option is to join Athenril and her smugglers. If Hawke joins Meeran’s group, Meeran tasks Hawke to kill Friedrich, a noble who gave the Red Iron bad information.

What happens if Meeran kills Lord Harimann?

If Harimann is spared and Hawke then reveals this to Meeran, then Meeran and a large number of Red Iron mercenaries will attack Hawke and company the next time they pass the street between Gamlen’s House and The Hanged Man in Lowtown at Night. Otherwise if Lord Harimann was killed, then Meeran will reward Hawke and promise further work.