What is the name of the food legislation in NSW?

What is the name of the food legislation in NSW?

the Food Act 2003
The Food Authority administers State and national food legislation. This includes the national Food Standards Code and the Food Act 2003 (NSW) as well as a range of food safety schemes in the Food Regulation 2015, which regulate key industry sectors.

What is the current legislation for the food industry?

In NSW, food safety requirements are set by the Food Act 2003 (NSW) and the Food Regulation 2015 (NSW). These Acts require that food sold in NSW is safe and suitable for human consumption and meets all standards set out in the Food Standards Code.

What is legislation act used for in NSW?

An Act (of Parliament) is “a Bill which has passed all three readings in each House of Parliament, received Royal Assent and become law” (from NSW Parliament glossary of terms.) Acts are also known as Statutes. Regulations are made under the authority of an Act.

What is the key legislation for food safety?

Under the Food Safety Act 1990 and the General Food Law Regulation 178/2002 you are responsible for ensuring that the food customers eat is safe and the quality is what they expect. This means you should understand exactly what foods can cause problems.

What is the NSW food Act 2003?

What is the Food Act 2003 (NSW)? The purpose of the Act is to ensure that food for sale is both safe and suitable for human consumption. It also prohibits any misleading conduct surround food. The Act also gives effect to the Food Standards Code (the Code).

What is the NSW food regulation 2015?

Following a significant review of the Food Regulation 2010, the Food Regulation 2015 came into effect on 30 October 2015. The Food Authority believes that the Food Regulation 2015 achieves a better balance between maximising food safety outcomes for consumers while minimising regulatory costs of regulation on business.

What is the food regulation Act 2015?

What is the current NSW WHS legislation?

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) (the Act) provides a framework to protect the health, safety and welfare of all workers and others in relation to NSW workplaces and work activities.

What is the Food Act 2003?

What is the Food Act 2003 (NSW)? The purpose of the Act is to ensure that food for sale is both safe and suitable for human consumption. It also prohibits any misleading conduct surround food. The Act details the offences relating to food, orders that can be made against a business, and safety programs.

What are the laws for food safety in NSW?

NSW Legislation. In NSW, food safety requirements are set by the Food Act 2003 (NSW) and the Food Regulation 2015 (NSW). These Acts require that food sold in NSW is safe and suitable for human consumption and meets all standards set out in the Food Standards Code.

What is the Food Act 2003 (NSW)?

What is the Food Act 2003 (NSW)? The purpose of the Act is to ensure that food for sale is both safe and suitable for human consumption. It also prohibits any misleading conduct surround food.

What is the purpose of the Food Act?

The purpose of the Act is to ensure that food for sale is both safe and suitable for human consumption. It also prohibits any misleading conduct surround food. The Act also gives effect to the Food Standards Code (the Code). The Act details the offences relating to food, orders that can be made against a business, and safety programs.

What is the Food Act 1989?

An Act to regulate the handling of food for sale and the sale of food and to provide for the application of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code in New South Wales; to repeal the Food Act 1989; and for other purposes.