What is an example of classical conditioning in your own life?

What is an example of classical conditioning in your own life?

For example, whenever you come home wearing a baseball cap, you take your child to the park to play. So, whenever your child sees you come home with a baseball cap, he is excited because he has associated your baseball cap with a trip to the park. What is this? This learning by association is classical conditioning.

What is an example classical conditioning?

For example, imagine that you are conditioning a dog to salivate in response to the sound of a bell. You repeatedly pair the presentation of food with the sound of the bell. You can say the response has been acquired as soon as the dog begins to salivate in response to the bell tone.

Can you self condition yourself?

This study by John Watson has proven that through the use of consistent conditioning, an individual can alter their own values and perceptions. Take the example of the gym. Over time, your conditioning will lead you to change your mindset about your original task.

How can you condition yourself?

Ways to Condition Yourself to Make Your Positive Work Habits…

  1. v Start with something simple.
  2. v Give a time commitment.
  3. v Remind yourself to follow through.
  4. v The buddy system works.
  5. v Seek help to handle withdrawal symptoms.
  6. v Use visualization.

How does classical conditioning help humans and animals?

Classical conditioning can help us understand how some forms of addiction, or drug dependence, work. For example, the repeated use of a drug could cause the body to compensate for it, in an effort to counterbalance the effects of the drug. Another example of classical conditioning is known as the appetizer effect.

How do you explain classical conditioning to a child?

Classical conditioning, also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning, is the procedure of learning to associate an unconditioned stimulus that already brings about an involuntary response, or unconditioned response, with a new, neutral stimulus so that this new stimulus can also bring about the same response.