What does the fowling scene from the tomb of nebamun show?

What does the fowling scene from the tomb of nebamun show?

This scene is part of a wall showing Nebamun inspecting flocks of geese and herds of cattle. He watches as farmers drive the animals towards him; his scribes (secretaries) write down the number of animals for his records. Hieroglyphs describe the scene and record what the farmers say as they squabble in the queue.

What did nebamun do?

Nebamun was the accountant in charge of grain at the great Temple of Amun at Karnak. This scene from his tomb-chapel shows officials inspecting fields. A farmer checks the boundary marker of the field.

What is the significance of the nebamun hunting birds?

Fertile marshes were seen as a place of rebirth and eroticism. Hunting animals could represent Nebamun’s triumph over the forces of nature as he was reborn. The huge striding figure of Nebamun dominates, forever happy and forever young, surrounded by the rich and varied life of the marsh.

When was nebamun hunting in the marshes made?

1350 BCE
From the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes. Eighteenth Dynasty, c. 1350 BCE.

What is the significance of Egyptian paintings on walls of tomb?

In Ancient Egypt the tomb walls of the rich and powerful were often filled with paintings. These paintings were there to help the person in the afterlife. They often depicted the person buried passing into the afterlife. They would show scenes of this person happy in the afterlife.

¿Cuál era la función de la tumba de Nebamun?

La tumba no solo cumplía su función de enterramiento de Nebamun y su esposa, sino que tenía una zona accesible que servía como capilla funeraria, donde sus familiares podían celebrar ceremonias en su honor. La tumba poseía numerosas escenas funerarias que actualmente se encuentran en el Museo Británico.

¿Cómo se conservan los frescos de la tumba?

La tumba hoy está desaparecida pero los frescos fueron adquiridos por los ingleses en la década de 1820 y hoy se conservan fragmentados en la sala 61 del British Museum.

¿Cuál fue la posición de la tumba de d’Athanasi?

Una gran parte de la tumba fue probablemente muy dañada por su trabajo, por lo que no se podrá identificar con claridad hoy. D’Athanasi se negó siempre a indicar la posición de la tumba. Diez de los once fragmentos del Museo Británico fueron la primera colección que Salt envió, comprada por £ 2000 y enviada a Londres en 1821.