How do I get to Monasterio de Tarlac via bus?

How do I get to Monasterio de Tarlac via bus?

How To Get to Monasterio De Tarlac Via Public Commute. ►Take a bus bound to Tarlac City and ask the driver to drop you off at Tarlac Siesta Terminal. ►Take a Jeepney ride bound to San Jose and tell the driver to drop you at the tricycle Terminal going to Monasterio.

How many gradient is Monasterio de Tarlac?


Name Distance Avg. Grade
Monasterio to San Jose via Lubigan Road 7.86 km -2.6%
Bukot 71m Climb 3.33 km 2.0%
Bukut Babi 600m 13.1% Max Gradient KOM 0.65 km 5.4%
Bukot 11.3% Gradient 1.32 km 2.8%

What is the meaning of Monasterio de Tarlac?

The Monasterio de Tarlac is a Latin Rite Catholic monastery on top of Mount Resurrection, part of the Zambales Mountain Range on the island of Luzon in the Philippines.

How many barangays are in San Jose Tarlac?

It was created into a municipality pursuant to Republic Act No. 6842, ratified on April 21, 1990; taken from the municipality of Tarlac. It is also the largest municipality of the province in terms of land area….San Jose, Tarlac.

San Jose
Founded April 21, 1990
Barangays 13 (see Barangays)
• Type Sangguniang Bayan

Why you should visit Monasterio de Tarlac?

Monasterio de Tarlac is a popular tourist destination in the municipality of San Jose, Tarlac in the Philippines. It is a monastery on top of Mount Resurrection, part of the Zambales Mountain Range in San Jose, one of the municipalities in Tarlac. In the monastery can be found a relic of the True Cross.

Why should I visit Monasterio de Tarlac?

Why is Monasterio de Tarlac famous?

Monasterio de Tarlac’s claim to fame, besides the colossal statue of the Risen Christ, is the Relic of the True Cross which is enshrined inside the monastery chapel. The relic, which is purported to be miraculous, is housed in an ornate golden box under the church altar.

What is the zip code of Tarlac City?

Tarlac ZIP Code

Location ZIP Code Phone Area Code
San Miguel 2301 45
Sta. Ignacia 2303 45
Tarlac 2300 45
Victoria 2313 45

How many barangay are there in Tarlac?


Tarlac City
Founded 1788
Cityhood April 18, 1998
Barangays 76 (see Barangays)

What can be found in Monasterio de Tarlac?

Monasterio de Tarlac’s claim to fame, besides the colossal statue of the Risen Christ, is the Relic of the True Cross which is enshrined inside the monastery chapel. Remember Santa Cruzan? The story goes that when St. Helena dug under Calvary Hill in Jerusalem, he found three crosses.

What is Monasterio de Tarlac known for?

The Monasterio de Tarlac is a Latin Rite Catholic monastery on top of Mount Resurrection, part of the Zambales Mountain Range on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. It is part of the Mount Resurrection Eco Park in Barangay Lubigan, San José, Tarlac.

How much does it cost to visit Monasterio de Tarlac?

Monasterio De Tarlac covers a huge 278-hectare of land. Part of which is the Tarlac Ecotourism Park, a project by the former congressman Jose Yap. It is also interesting to note that there is an ENTRANCE FEE of Php50 in Monasterio De Tarlac and the place is open daily from 7 am to 6pm.

What to do in Tarlac in the Philippines?

Located in San Jose, Tarlac is another popular tourist destination – The Monasterio de Tarlac. The Monastery is situated on top of the Mount Resurrection. The place is also known for housing a relic of the True Cross.

How to go from San Jose to Tarlac City?

Follow the road and always make sure to check signage along the way and just choose to turn right whenever you see a Y-intersection. After crossing the bridge above the Tarlac River, prepare to make a left turn at the next intersection. Following the Barangay Lubigan in San Jose.

How big is the province of Tarlac?

The whole Province of Tarlac covers an area of 2,737 square kilometer. That is a huge, and creating an itinerary that would cover all the tourist spots in the province seemed impossible. What I present here instead is a trip itinerary we did during the Tara Quin Tarlac familiarization tour, with Tarlac City as our base.