How do I enroll my child in Head Start?

How do I enroll my child in Head Start?

To apply for Head Start and Early Head Start, contact the program serving your community. Your local program will provide the required forms and answer your questions. They will also tell you what documents you should bring with you to apply.

What age does Head Start begin in Michigan?

Who is eligible for Michigan Head Start? Children from birth to age five from families with low income, according to the Poverty Guidelines published by the Federal government, are eligible for Head Start and Early Head Start services.

Why is the Head Start program bad?

Critics charge that Head Start is a big federal program spending billions of tax dollars on a pipe dream — that the effects of being born into poverty can be averted for a lifetime with a few hours a day spent in a classroom at age 4. One of the key elements to Head Start has always been its emphasis on local control.

What are the advantages of Head Start?

Head Start children have better social skills, impulse control, and approaches to learning. Head Start children also decrease their problem behaviors, such as aggression and hyperactivity.

What’s the difference between Head Start and Early Head Start?

Early Head Start serves pregnant women and families with children under age 3. Head Start programs serve children between 3 and 5 years old. Head Start programs help all participating children succeed. They are required to serve children with special needs, such as physical and developmental delays or homelessness.

What is the great start readiness program in Michigan?

The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is Michigan’s state-funded preschool program designed for four-year-old children. The GSRP was designed to provide a high-quality preschool experience for children with factors potentially placing them at risk educationally.

How do you apply for Head Start programs?

An application can also be downloaded from the website. Click on the Government tab at the top of the webpage, look for the Housing and Human Services Department, scroll down and click on the link for the Head Start Program. You will see the option to download an application.

What are the requirements for Head Start?

Head Start usually requires lead teachers to have a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in early childhood education or child development, with coursework in such areas as early literacy, learning assessment, typical and atypical development, family development, psychology, children’s literature and health/physical development.

What is the age requirement for Head Start?

Head Start Age Requirements. Head Start Children age must be determined by the school district cut off date in their own community at time of enrollment. Early Head Start provides services for pregnant women, babies, and toddlers up to three years old.