Where is Somaliland located?

Where is Somaliland located?

According to Somalia, Somaliland comprises the northwestern portion of its territory and around 13.6% of its total claimed territory. Most countries worldwide recognize Somaliland as a breakaway or autonomous region of Somalia.

Who does Somaliland have diplomatic relations with?

Somaliland does not have full diplomatic relations with any other country. According to Somalia, Somaliland comprises the northwestern portion of its territory and around 13.6% of its total claimed territory. Most countries worldwide recognize Somaliland as a breakaway or autonomous region of Somalia.

What is the name of the 4th state in Somalia?

Jubaland in the far south is a fourth state region within Somalia. In November 2014, a new South West Somalia was likewise established. In October 2016, a formation conference was also launched for a new Hirshabelle state. The Federal Parliament is tasked with selecting the ultimate number and boundaries of the autonomous regional states…

What is the south west state of Somalia?

In November 2014, the South West State of Somalia was established as a Somali federal state. In October 2016, a formation conference was launched in order to form the Hirshabelle State as a Somali federal state.

Somaliland is situated in northwestern Somalia. It lies between the 08°00′ – 11°30′ parallel north of the equator and between 42°30′ – 49°00′ meridian east of Greenwich. It is bordered by Djibouti to the west, Ethiopia to the south, and the Puntland region of Somalia to the east.

What is the history of the Somali Republic?

On 1 July 1960, the State of Somaliland and the Trust Territory of Somaliland (the former Italian Somaliland) united as planned to form the Somali Republic. Inspired by Somali nationalism, the northerners were initially enthusiastic about the union.

What are the topographic zones in Somalia?

Somaliland consists of three main topographic zones: a coastal plain (Guban), the coastal range (Oogo), and a plateau (Hawd). The coastal plain is a zone with high temperatures and low rainfall. Summer temperatures in the region easily average over 100 °F (38 °C).

What countries border Somalia to the south?

It is bordered by Djibouti to the northwest, Ethiopia to the south and west, and Somalia to the east. Its claimed territory has an area of 176,120 square kilometres (68,000 sq mi), with approximately 5.7 million residents as of 2021.