What Whakapapa means?

What Whakapapa means?

Whakapapa is the core of traditional mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge). Whakapapa means genealogy. Other Māori terms for genealogy are kāwai and tātai. Kauwhau and taki refer to the process of tracing genealogies.

Can Pakeha have Whakapapa?

Whakapapa is an important Maori concept. Pakeha, non-Maori people, can also perform a pepeha at formal occasions, but theirs will be a lot shorter than a Maori mihi, as they do not have the same connections to the land.

How many iwi are there in NZ?

Accessing the data Stat as customisable tables for download. There are a total of 29 new NZ.

What is the purpose of a Pepeha?

Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. It tells people who you are by sharing your connections with the people and places that are important to you.

How is whakapapa used?

Popularly, whakapapa is used to mean genealogy, but it literally means to create a base or foundation. Whakapapa is the recitation of genealogies or stories which create a base or foundation of meaning for people.

What does whakapapa look like?

In each iwi, hapū or whānau, whakapapa experts were responsible for recounting the genealogy of the whole iwi, hapū or whānau. They often held rākau whakapapa, a stick similar to a walking stick – with small ridges running down the length of it, representing ancestors and generations.

What is Ngati Pākehā?

nounplural noun Ngati Pakeha informal New Zealand. New Zealanders of European descent, as distinct from Maori.

Can Pākehā speak Māori?

The number of Pākehā who can speak Te Reo is on the rise, jumping from 40,230 in 2006 to 58,209 in 2018. Te Taura Whiri chief executive Ngahiwi Apanui acknowledged that it can be conflicting for many Māori to see Pākehā speak the language when they can’t speak it themselves.

How do I find my iwi?

Youriwi.com lets you access your iwi and hapū news and information all in one place. Hear about opportunities for you and your whānau. YourIwi.com is for everyone, so tell your whānau to register too!

What is the biggest iwi in NZ?

Ngāpuhi is the largest tribe in New Zealand. Their territory stretches from the Hokianga Harbour to the Bay of Islands, and to Whangārei in the south.

What should a Pepeha include?

Pepeha is used in a Māori context and has a formal basis, but the idea is universal. Everyone has a pepeha which links them to their ancestors. It’s like a story that connects you to your waka, your hapū and iwi. It identifies important places like your maunga, awa and marae.

What is the difference between mihi and Pepeha?

The names mihi and pepeha have some differences-a mihi is shared by someone who is non-Māori and a pepeha is shared by somebody who is Māori. Within both mihi/pepeha we acknowledge the mountain and river we identify most with, where we come from and where we live now, who our whānau are, and finally our name.