What is lazy loading example?

What is lazy loading example?

For example, if a web page has an image that the user has to scroll down to see, you can display a placeholder and lazy load the full image only when the user arrives to its location. Reduces initial load time – Lazy loading a webpage reduces page weight, allowing for a quicker page load time.

How can I overcome lazy loading?

We can disable lazy loading for a particular entity or a context. To turn off lazy loading for a particular property, do not make it virtual. To turn off lazy loading for all entities in the context, set its configuration property to false.

What is lazy loading pattern?

Lazy loading (also known as asynchronous loading) is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming and mostly in web design and development to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed.

What is lazy loading in C# with example?

Lazy loading is a concept where we delay the loading of the object until the point where we need it. For example, consider the below example where we have a simple Customer class and this Customer class has many Order objects inside it. Have a close look at the constructor of the Customer class.

What is lazy loading in hibernate with example?

Lazy loading is a fetching technique used for all the entities in Hibernate. It decides whether to load a child class object while loading the parent class object. For example, we have a parent class, and that parent has a collection of child classes.

What is lazy loading in Reactjs?

In essence, lazy loading means that a component or a part of code must get loaded when it is required. It is also referred to as code splitting and data fetching . Talking about React specifically, it bundles the complete code and deploys all of it at the same time.

Does lazy loading affect SEO?

Lazy loading images improves the user experience by saving bandwidth for important content first. Some reject the technique for SEO considerations. But properly lazy loading your images does not prevent them from being indexed. Images need to be optimized, adapted to its rendering area, and only loaded if required.

What is Python lazy loading?

Lazy loading is just a fancy name given to the process of initializing a class when it’s actually needed. In simple words, Lazy loading is a software design pattern where the initialization of an object occurs only when it is actually needed and not before to preserve simplicity of usage and improve performance.

How does Lazy work in C#?

Lazy initialization is a technique that defers the creation of an object until the first time it is needed. In other words, initialization of the object happens only on demand. Note that the terms lazy initialization and lazy instantiation mean the same thing—they can be used interchangeably.

What is Lazy <> C#?

Remarks. Use lazy initialization to defer the creation of a large or resource-intensive object, or the execution of a resource-intensive task, particularly when such creation or execution might not occur during the lifetime of the program. To prepare for lazy initialization, you create an instance of Lazy.

What is FetchType lazy in Hibernate?

The FetchType. LAZY tells Hibernate to only fetch the related entities from the database when you use the relationship. This is a good idea in general because there’s no reason to select entities you don’t need for your uses case. You can see an example of a lazily fetched relationship in the following code snippets.

How to lazy load the student entity in a context?

For example, the Student entity contains the StudentAddress entity. In the lazy loading, the context first loads the Student entity data from the database, then it will load the StudentAddress entity when we access the StudentAddress property as shown below. The code shown above will result in two SQL queries.

What is lazy loading in Entity Framework?

Lazy Loading in Entity Framework Lazy loading is delaying the loading of related data, until you specifically request for it. It is the opposite of eager loading. For example, the Student entity contains the StudentAddress entity.

How do I turn off lazy loading in a context?

To turn off lazy loading for a particular property, do not make it virtual. To turn off lazy loading for all entities in the context, set its configuration property to false. context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled should be true. context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled should be true.

What is lazy loading in Salesforce?

It is the opposite of eager loading . For example, the Student entity contains the StudentAddress entity. In the lazy loading, the context first loads the Student entity data from the database, then it will load the StudentAddress entity when we access the StudentAddress property as shown below.