How many students go to Madison Technical College?

How many students go to Madison Technical College?

17,463 (2010)
Madison Area Technical College/Total enrollment

How do I find my Madison student ID number?

Click on the My Profile tab and your student ID number will be displayed in the top left-hand corner. Student IDs cannot be provided over the telephone. Students may visit any Madison College Enrollment Services, metro or regional campus office with a photo ID to obtain their student ID number in person.

How do I get my transcript from MCTC?


  1. Ordering a Transcript Online. MCTC has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering via the Internet.
  2. Download and complete the Transcript Request Form and mail to any of our campuses.
  3. Pick up a form at your local Records Office at any of our campuses.

How many students go to Madison Area Technical College?

Does MATC have student housing?

MATC doesn’t have any campus housing options and this gives students who have local classes or internships an option to live nearby. “Offering campus housing and robust student life opportunities will enhance their overall MATC experience.

What can Madison area Technical College do for You?

Open the accessible version of Madison Area Technical College’s virtual experience. Throughout the year, middle school students can get a head start on career exploration. We host camps in fields such as nursing and welding. Gain confidence in your English skills. Choose from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Where is Madison College located?

Madison College offers convenient locations throughout the city of Madison and the surrounding region with campuses in Fort Atkinson, Portage, Reedsburg and Watertown. Madison College service hours can vary by campus and office.

Are Madison area technical college campuses tobacco-free?

All Madison Area Technical College campuses and grounds, including district-owned and district-leased property, are tobacco-free. Tobacco use is prohibited inside all college owned and leased vehicles, buildings, grounds and parking lots. All Madison College campuses are accessible and follow The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.

How do I get a degree in Reedsburg?

Explore your options for an associate degree, technical diploma, and certificates in Reedsburg. You may need to travel to Madison or take some online courses to complete a program. Count on our library for quiet study space and for books and materials you need for class.