How do you compare poems GCSE English literature?

How do you compare poems GCSE English literature?

These are some points to think about:

  • use the introduction to explain which poems you are writing about.
  • try to balance out the detail you include for each poem.
  • compare the poems throughout the essay.
  • comment on content, themes, ideas and attitudes as well as form, structure and language.

How do you compare two poems in English?

How to Compare and Contrast Two Poems

  1. Focus on the Themes. Show how two poems have similar or different themes such as romantic love, death or courage.
  2. Examine the Mood and Tone. Two poems by the same author can have similar or different moods and tones.
  3. Study Imagery in Both Poems.
  4. Evaluate the Language, Style and Format.

How do you write a comparison essay between two poems?

How to Write an Essay Comparing Two Poems

  1. Reflect on the topic.
  2. Formulate a topic of your comparison.
  3. Describe both poems one by one.
  4. Find similarities between both poems.
  5. Reveal the differences between both poems.
  6. Turn to your central idea.
  7. Conclusion.

How many paragraphs does it take to compare poems?

Finish with: Conclusion With four poems, paragraphs 1 and 2 can compare poems A+B, paragraph 3 compares A+B+C and paragraph 4 compares A+B+C+D. Your conclusion is a summing up of the poems, your ideas on what works and does not, the key similarities and differences and your grasp of the concepts behind the meanings.

How do you compare two sources in English GCSE?

Comparing by purpose

  1. Imagine two different chocolate bars.
  2. One way to link texts is through the purpose they are aiming to achieve.
  3. When comparing texts, consider both what they have in common and what is different about them.
  4. If they have the same purpose:
  5. If they have a different purpose but the same subject:

What poems do you compare in love and relationships?

Mother, Any Distance by Simon Armitage. Love’s Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

  • Sonnet 29 – ‘I think of thee!’ by Elizabeth Barret Browning.
  • Walking Away by C. Day Lewis.
  • When We Two Parted by Lord Byron.
  • Letters from Yorkshire by Laura Dooley.
  • Key themes and connections: poems that you might choose to compare.
  • What is a comparison in a poem?

    Comparison Definition Comparison is a rhetorical or literary device in which a writer compares or contrasts two people, places, things, or ideas. Writers and poets use comparison in order to link their feelings about a thing to something readers can understand.

    Why do we compare poems?

    You can discover a lot about a poem by comparing it to one by another poet that deals with a similar subject or has a similar theme . Thinking about two poems and identifying where they differ and are similar can give you a deeper appreciation and understanding of them.

    How to compare poems?

    When comparing poems you need to look for all the features that you look for when studying a single poem. When writing your response, avoid writing an examination of one poem and then the other and comparing them in a final paragraph. Integrate your comments on the poems throughout. However, you also need to compare these features in both poems.

    How are the language used in the poems similar/different?

    The language used in the poems is similar/different because… The main theme/idea of both poems is… The poems are structured similarly/differently as… Remember, you will need to go on to find examples from both poems and explain the effects of these.

    Are the poems different every year for each tier?

    The poems will be different every year but you will always be asked the same question. For both the higher tier and the foundation tier, the question is: Write about both poems and their effect on you.

    What should I think about when reading two poems?

    Thinking about two poems and identifying where they differ and are similar can give you a deeper appreciation and understanding of them. You should not be thinking about whether one poem is better than another, but about the ways in which the poets have approached their subject matter. Themes – are both poems about similar issues or themes?