What was Bruno Latour known for?

What was Bruno Latour known for?

Bruno Latour, (born June 22, 1947, Beaune, France), French sociologist and anthropologist known for his innovative and iconoclastic work in the study of science and technology in society. Latour’s subsequent work dealt with the activities of communities of scientists.

What is Bruno Latour doing?

Short bio: Bruno Latour is now emeritus professor associated with the médialab and the program in political arts (SPEAP) of Sciences Po Paris. In addition to curating Critical Zones in ZKM (opening August 2020) he is also, together with Martin Guinard, curator of the Taipeh Biennale of Art (opening October 2010).

What did Bruno Latour believe in?

Latour believes that if scientists were transparent about how science really functions — as a process in which people, politics, institutions, peer review and so forth all play their parts — they would be in a stronger position to convince people of their claims.

Is Bruno Latour postmodern?

Bruno Latour is one of the key thinkers in actor-network theory. Latour argues against three attitudes which are charac-teristic of postmodernist stances: (1) social or cultural constructivism, (2) total criticism of the ideas which are generally accepted in our culture and (3) radical epistemological skepticism.

What is science Latour?

In 1987, Latour elaborated on his thinking in the textbook Science in Action . Central to Latour’s work is the notion that facts are constructed by communities of scientists, and that there is no distinction between the social and technical elements of science.

Is Bruno Latour Catholic?

Yet Latour also cannot plausibly be viewed as an adherent of the political Right, despite his unapologetic Catholicism and his famous polemic against modernism.

Is Latour a constructivist?

Similarly, philosopher John Searle argues that Latour’s “extreme social constructivist” position is seriously flawed on several points, and furthermore has inadvertently “comical results”.

What did Bruno Latour do for sociology?

With his concept of association, Bruno Latour founds his symmetry principle in a relativistic and pluralist sociological conception of society as networked actors. Social reality is a mixture of heterogeneous humans and non-humans, and their associations lead to a collectivity.

Is Latour a poststructuralist?

In what follows, we explore Latour’s analysis of contemporary—mostly poststructuralist—forms of critique and reconstruct the alternative he provides. The form of critique Latour has in mind is rooted in a reconception of realism and a complex understanding of facticity and objectivity.

Who is Bruno Latour?

Short bio: Bruno Latour is now emeritus professor associated with the médialab and the program in political arts (SPEAP) of Sciences Po Paris. In addition to curating Critical Zones in ZKM (opening August 2020) he is also, together with Martin Guinard, curator of the Taipeh Biennale of Art (opening October 2010).

What has Latour been up to at Sciences Po?

While at Sciences Po, Latour has created the médialab and, together with Valérie Pihet, a new experimental program in art and politics (SPEAP). Having been awarded an ERC grant to pursue an inquiry into the modes of existence, he will now be engaged for three years in the making of this collaborative digital platform.

Where is Dr Latour now?

Latour is now a professor at Sciences Po Paris, after serving five years as the Vice President for Research. As of October 2013, he is a part-time centennial professor at the London School of Political Science and Economics. After field studies in Africa and California, Latour specialized in the analysis of scientists and engineers at work.

Can Bruno Latour help rebuild trust in science?

” ‘Science Wars’ Veteran Latour Now Wants to Help Rebuild Trust in Science”. Skeptical Inquirer. 42 (1): 7. ^ Blok, A. & Elgaard Jensen, T. Bruno Latour: hybrid thoughts in a hybrid world. London: Routledge, 2011.