What is meant by monophonic sound?

What is meant by monophonic sound?

Definition of monophonic 1 : having a single unaccompanied melodic line. 2 : of or relating to sound transmission, recording, or reproduction involving a single transmission path.

What does monophonic mean in medical terms?

(mon-aw’răl), Pertaining to one ear.

What is monaural testing?

The monaural selective auditory attention test compares the ability of the patient to recognize monosyllabic words embedded in a background of competing high-interest speech.

What is monophonic example?

For example, if a group of friends sat around a campfire singing a song altogether, that would be monophony. As long as there is only one melody, with no different harmonies or melodies, then it is a monophonic texture, no matter how many people are singing or playing that melody.

What is monophonic give example?

Monophony. Any orchestral woodwind or brass instrument (flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, etc.) performing alone. Here is an example from James Romig’s Sonnet 2, played by John McMurtery.

What is the use of monophonic tunes?

In music, monophony is the simplest of musical textures, consisting of a melody (or “tune”), typically sung by a single singer or played by a single instrument player (e.g., a flute player) without accompanying harmony or chords.

What does Mono% mean on a blood test?

Mononucleosis tests are blood tests to look for antibodies that indicate mononucleosis (mono), which is usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The antibodies are made by the immune system to fight an infection. Mono tests include: Monospot test (heterophil test).

How many voices are there in monophonic?

There are several types of monophony. Most people can only sing one pitch at a time, and so if you are singing by yourself without musical accompaniment, you are singing in monophonic texture. What if your friend joins you? Now there are two voices singing the same melody.

What period is monophonic?

Monophonic chant: Monophonic singing, which is based on a single unison melodic line, was popular from the very beginning of the Medieval era. In civilizations spanning from Rome to Spain to Ireland, somber religious chants—called plainchant or plainsong—dominated the early Medieval period.

What is a monophonic example?

There are many examples of monophonic texture in childrens songs and folk songs. Singing the “ABC’s”, “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, or “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” by yourself or with friends and family are all instances of monophony, as are old folk songs like “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” or “Kumbaya”.

What is the meaning of monophonic?

Definition of monophonic 1 : having a single unaccompanied melodic line 2 : of or relating to sound transmission, recording, or reproduction involving a single transmission path Other Words from monophonic Example Sentences Learn More About monophonic

What is an example of monophonic texture?

This means that they do not produce steady, measurable frequencies, and as such, they cannot play melody or harmony. Therefore, you can have a drum and a singer and still have monophonic texture. A good example of this kind of monophony is in the song ‘Just Give Me A Reason’ by Pink and Nate Ruess.

Why are drums considered a monophonic instrument?

Unlike pianos, guitars, and human voices, drums are instruments of indefinite pitch. This means that they do not produce steady, measurable frequencies, and as such, they cannot play melody or harmony. Therefore, you can have a drum and a singer and still have monophonic texture.

Can you sing monophonic without accompaniment?

There are several types of monophony. Most people can only sing one pitch at a time, and so if you are singing by yourself without musical accompaniment, you are singing in monophonic texture. What if your friend joins you? Now there are two voices singing the same melody. Is it still monophonic?