What does C2 and C3 nerves control?

What does C2 and C3 nerves control?

C1, C2, and C3 (the first three cervical nerves) help control the head and neck, including movements forward, backward, and to the sides. The C2 dermatome handles sensation for the upper part of the head, and the C3 dermatome covers the side of the face and back of the head.

What does C2 C3 C4 control?

The C2 and C3 nerves helps bend the neck forward and receive sensation. The C4 and C5 vertebral nerves extend farther out through the upper body, shoulders, and arms, responsible for communicating muscle movement and sensation.

What is the joint between C2 and C3?

The C2-C3 intervertebral joint must be regarded as a transitional area situated between the upper cervical spine where most rotation of the neck and little flexion and extension occur and the lower cervical spaces where chiefly motion in the sagittal plane and also somewhat rotation take place.

Where is C2 and C3 in neck?

The C2-C5 spinal motion segments comprise three individual segments: C2-C3, C3-C4, and C4-C5. This group of motion segments starts with the C2 vertebra near the top of the cervical spine and ends in the mid-cervical spine at the C5 vertebra.

What nerves are affected by C2?

The C2 nerves affect sensation at the top and back of the scalp, ear lobes, and front of the neck. They also affect the muscles used for neck flexion (nodding).

Why can injuries at c1 or C2 be fatal?

If the spinal cord becomes compressed at the C2 level, it can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and/or weakness in the arms or legs, loss of bowel and/or bladder control, and other problems. Severe cases of spinal cord injury at C2 can be fatal because breathing and other critical body functions may be impaired or stop.

Can C3 C4 cause headaches?

It has been reported that pain from the C2-3 and C3-4 cervical facet joints can radiate to the occipital area, frontotemporal and even periorbital regions. Even pathology in C5 or C6 nerve roots have been reported to cause headache.

What does C3 and C4 affect?

C3 and C4 help control the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle that stretches to the bottom of the rib cage and plays an important role in your breathing and respiration). C3 commonly affects the trigeminal nerve which can cause trigeminal neuralgia. C4 affects mostly the diaphragm.

What is C3 responsible for?

The C3 level of the spinal cord is the third uppermost segment (out of 31 segments) of the spinal cord. The C3 spinal nerves are responsible for neck side flexion, which is the ability to tilt your neck to the side.

What does C2 in your neck control?

This dermatome includes the top and back of the scalp, the skin over the front of the neck, and the ear lobes. The C2 myotome is a group of muscles controlled by the C2 nerve. These muscles include those that allow the neck to bend forward.

How serious is a C3 fracture?

A C3 spinal cord injury results in quadriplegia, which refers to paralysis of the arms, trunk, and legs. Depending on the severity of your spinal cord injury, you may be able to move and/or feel sensation below your level of injury.

What is C1 and C2 vertebrae?

Atlas and axis. The atlas (C1) and axis (C2) are the two topmost vertebrae. The atlas (C1) is the topmost vertebra, and along with the axis forms the joint connecting the skull and spine. It lacks a vertebral body, spinous process, and has no discs either superior or inferior to it.

What are the C2-C5 spinal motion segments?

The C2-C5 spinal motion segments comprise three individual segments: C2-C3, C3-C4, and C4-C5. This group of motion segments starts with the C2 vertebra near the top of the cervical spine and ends in the mid-cervical spine at the C5 vertebra.

What is the difference between C1 C2 C3 C6 and C7?

Of the seven cervical vertebrae, C3 through C6 have typical anatomy, while C7 looks very similar. C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) have very distinct anatomical features. For a basic anatomic description of the structure a generic vertebra, see vertebrae.

What is the difference between C3 and C6 vertebrae?

As vértebras C3 a C6 possuem corpos vertebrais pequenos, com pedículos posteriores e laterais. Os curtos processos espinhosos possuem forma bífida, enquanto os forames vertebrais possuem formato triangular. Dentro de cada processo transverso existe um forame transverso e ao nível de C6 a artéria vertebral entra no forame correspondente.