What books does Charlie Munger recommend?

What books does Charlie Munger recommend?

Charlie Munger: 20 Book Recommendations That will Make you Smarter

  • Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field: How Two Men Revolutionized Physics.
  • Deep Simplicity: Bringing Order to Chaos and Complexity.
  • Fiasco: The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader.
  • Ice Age.
  • How the Scots Invented the Modern World.
  • Models of My Life.

What does Charlie Munger read all day?

“However, he does not waste time either, because he reads the newspapers he brought along.” The papers he reads include “The Wall Street Journal,” “The New York Times,” “The Financial Times” and “Los Angeles Times,” according to Munger. He’s also a weekly reader of “The Economist.”

Who wrote Poor Charlie’s Almanack?

Charlie MungerPoor Charlie’s Almanack / Author

Poor Charlie’s Almanack is a collection of speeches and talks by Charlie Munger, compiled by Peter D. Kaufman. First published in 2005 ( ISBN 1-57864-303-1), it was released in an expanded edition ( ISBN 1-578-64501-8) three years later.

Do all billionaires read books?

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and other billionaires read far more books than the average person. Successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates are not average, or even above-average which, according to the Pew Research, means a person reads up to 17 books a year.

How do you read 500 pages a day?

In response to a question about how to prepare for an investing career, Buffett told the students, “Read 500 pages like this every day,” while reaching toward a stack of manuals and papers. “That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.

How rich is Charlie Munger?

Charlie Munger is an American business magnate, lawyer, investor and philanthropist who has a net worth of $2.2 billion. Charlie Munger accumulated his net worth through his investor partnership and his share holdings in many successful companies. He is best known for being Warren Buffett’s right-hand man.

Why Is Poor Charlie’s Almanack so expensive?

Charlie had to raise 7 children while Warren had only 3 and children are really expensive to raise. Warren also started in the investment game earlier than Charlie who was still practising law. By starting early and having smaller expenses, Buffett net worth is hugely more.

What book does Elon Musk read?

He told the New Yorker that as an “undersized and picked upon smart-aleck,” he turned to reading fantasy and science fiction. “The heroes of the books I read, ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the ‘Foundation’ series, always felt a duty to save the world.” Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson.