Is Bully a real documentary?
Bully (originally titled The Bully Project) is a 2011 American documentary drama film directed and co-produced by Lee Hirsch and co-produced and written by Cynthia Lowen along with producers Cindy Waitt and Sarah Foudy.
What is the message of the movie Bully?
Anyone who goes to see “Bully” will come away nodding in agreement with the movie’s message that bullying is bad for the mental and physical well-being of children.
What happened to Tyler from the movie Bully?
If you’ve seen the documentary Bully, you were likely affected by its portrayal of Tyler Long, a 17-year-old from Murray County, Ga., who committed suicide. Both conditions are linked to an increased risk for suicide.
Does Netflix have bully?
This eye-opening documentary tracks the stories of five different families whose children are struggling to defend themselves from school bullies.
Why is the movie Bully rated R?
“Bully,” a look at the rise of adolescent bullying in America, was rated R for “some language” – specifically for the f-word, which is used a reported six times in the film. An R rating means that adolescents under the age of 17 – the documentary’s intended audience – cannot see the film without an adult guardian.
Where is Lisa Connelly now?
Lisa lives in Pennsylvania with a daughter from her relationship with Marty Puccio and a younger son, according to the Sun Sentinel.
How many kids did Lee have in the movie Bully?
five kids
About the Documentary Bully, directed by Sundance and Emmy-award winning filmmaker Lee Hirsch, brings human scale to this startling statistic, offering an intimate, unflinching look at how bullying has touched five kids and their families as they cope in different ways with relentless cruelty while trying to fit in.
Is cyberbully movie appropriate for middle school?
Brilliant teen-pregnancy comedy, but iffy for kids. Epic romance-drama is brilliant but too mature for kids. Educational play dates with Little Bill.