Where can I find Ankrahmun?

Where can I find Ankrahmun?

Ancient Ruins, Mountain, Oasis, Peninsula, Shadow, Stone, and Tarpit tombs, Larva Caves, Nomad Cave, Green and Blue Djinn fortresses. The city of Ankrahmun is located on the southern portion of the island of Darama, here.

What are Darashia rotworm caves?

The so-called Darashia Rotworm Caves consist of a group of caves with a large spawn of Rotworms and Carrion Worms; Common hot-spot for Knights training and Mages leveling. All caves consist of two levels, the first level is considerably smaller and is only habituated by Rotworms, the second level is larger and also includes Carrion Worms.

Is Ankrahmun the safest city in tibia?

Currently all the pyramides are protection zones, which makes this city one of the safiest in whole tibia. The city of Ankrahmun is located here . In Ankrahmun, north of the Depot, up one level, here. Old Scarab’s Shell tavern above the Post Office in Ankrahmun, ( here ).

Where do Djinns Live in Ankrahmun?

Dragons have settled in the mountains to the west of the city. It is also rumored that djinns have built magnificent towers hidden in the mountains. Archaeological digs have been conducted at several key tomb sites around Ankrahmun and many horrendous creatures have been found on these enormous tombs .

How to get to the island of goroma?

You need to travel from Liberty Bay to Thais and you need to be at least level 20. Sooner or later you will get shipwrecked on the island of Goroma. The captain says that some Island Trolls stole parts of the ship.

How do you get the shipwrecked ship on goroma?

Achievement: Matchmaker . You need to travel from Liberty Bay to Thais and you need to be at least level 20. Sooner or later you will get shipwrecked on the island of Goroma. The captain says that some Island Trolls stole parts of the ship. Kill Island Trolls until you have collected 30 pieces of wood, then give them to the captain.

How to pass through the energy forcefield on goroma?

From now on, you can pass by the energy forcefield on Goroma. You have access to deep dungeons to hunt cult members but you will need to do some other things to access the other islands. There is a Teleportation Hub to the north that connect all the islands, but you cannot use it yet.