What is insanity?
On the Meaning of Insanity An oft-quoted bon mot (frequently attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, or a number of other people who probably never said it) is that insanity may be defined as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
What did Albert Einstein say about insanity?
Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. In 1991 “The Seattle Times” printed the thoughts of an Indiana judge who ascribed another version of the saying to Einstein: 15
What is the difference between insanity and flexibility?
A universal characteristic of insanity is inflexibly doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results. Flexibility in the face of changing circumstances, by contrast, is a hallmark of mental health. By 1990 the saying was being attributed to Einstein.
Is insanity repeating the same mistakes?
Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results. QI acquired a PDF of the document with the quotation above on the website amonymifoundation.org back in February 2011. The document stated that is was printed in November 1981, and it had a 1981 copyright notice.
What did Einstein say about insanity?
An oft-quoted bon mot (frequently attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, or a number of other people who probably never said it) is that insanity may be defined as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” While the job of lexicographers might be easier if they were allowed to use witty sayings instead of
What is the legal definition of lack of mental capacity?
1 : unsoundness of mind or lack of the ability to understand that prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or that releases one from criminal or civil responsibility: as.
Did Einstein define insanity as doing the same thing over again?
“I’ve been thinking recently about the definition of insanity attributed to Albert Einstein: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “Albert Einstein had an unkind label for those who do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
What is the definition of insanity according to D’Addario?
Daniel D’Addario. “They say the definition of insanity is repeating the same action, and expecting a different result. By that measure, Congress has lost its mind.”. –“Over the Cliff and Back,” the New York Times, Jan. 4, 2013 “If doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is a definition of insanity,…
What is the meaning of monsignors?
plural monsignors or monsignori\\ ˌmän-ˌsēn-ˈyȯr-ē \\. : a Roman Catholic prelate having a dignity or titular distinction (as of domestic prelate or protonotary apostolic) usually conferred by the pope —used as a title prefixed to the surname or to the given name and surname.
Did John Dingell say ‘insanity is doing the same thing over and over?
“On the Democratic side, Rep. John Dingell (Mich.) responded by saying, ‘Einstein observed that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with the full expectation that the results are going to be different.’ Actually, the quote is probably apocryphal — but Einstein didn’t live to see the 113th Congress.”.
What is decapping in computer architecture?
Decapping. Decapping (decapsulation) or delidding of an integrated circuit is the process of removing the protective cover of a microchip so that the contained die is revealed for visual inspection of the micro circuitry imprinted on the die. This process is typically done in order to debug a manufacturing problem with the chip,…
What is decapping of mRNA?
Hydrolysis of the 5′-cap structure, termed decapping, is a key step in the demise of mRNA. Two major decapping enzymes with distinct activities and substrate requirements have been identified.
Why is it so hard to prove insanity in court?
This is generally because of the difficulty in proving legal insanity. Many criminal defendants suffer from mental illness and can produce evidence of this illness such as psychiatric or layperson testimony. Often, mental disturbance is apparent from the defendant’s conduct under the circumstances.
What is the insanity defense in criminal law?
The insanity defense pertains to the defendant’s mental state when he or she commits the crime. If the insanity defense is successful, it exonerates the defendant from guilt. Mental competence to stand trial is analyzed at the time the trial is to take place.
What is the substantial capacity test for insanity?
The Substantial Capacity Test The substantial capacity test is the insanity defense created by the Model Penal Code. The Model Penal Code was completed in 1962. By 1980, approximately half of the states and the federal government adopted the substantial capacity test (also called the Model Penal Code or ALI defense) (Rolf, C. A., 2010).
What is the M’Naghten insanity defense?
The M’Naghten insanity defense, also called the right-wrong test, is the most common insanity defense in the United States. It is also the oldest and was created in England in 1843. The defense is named after Daniel M’Naghten.
What is the meaning of the word nominator?
Define nominator. nominator synonyms, nominator pronunciation, nominator translation, English dictionary definition of nominator. tr.v. nom·i·nat·ed , nom·i·nat·ing , nom·i·nates 1. To propose as a candidate in an election or as one to be considered for an honor or prize: nominated him…
What is the meaning of the word’nominator’?
nominator – someone who proposes a candidate for appointment or election. mover, proposer – (parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion.
What does twisted forms of musical insanity mean?
Something that is extremely foolish, distinctly irrational, or wildly excited: “twisted forms of musical insanity” (Christopher J. Kelter). American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
What is the difference between the pelog and the slendro scales?
For experienced participants in gamelan music, the pelog and slendro scales each have a particular feeling, related to the rituals and circumstances in which the scale is used. For example, in Bali, slendro is felt to have a sad sound because it is used as the tuning of gamelan angklung, the traditional ensemble for cremation ceremonies.
What is slendro?
Slendro is a pentatonic scale, the older of the two most common scales used in Indonesian gamelan music, the other being pélog.
What is a Nova Scotian Bluenoser?
The term bluenoser has gained official status. (Twitter) Bluenoser, a moniker long used to describe Nova Scotians, has been added to the pages of the Oxford English Dictionary. According to the dictionary, the term defines a native or inhabitant of Nova Scotia or occasionally New Brunswick.
What happened to the Bluenoses?
Recent Examples on the Web Bluenoses were bound to be pushed out of joint, so to speak, by a festival that was more Burning Man than County Fair. — Logan Jenkins, sandiegouniontribune.com, 2 June 2017
What does Mopo stand for?
– Definition from Safeopedia What Does Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO) Mean? What Does Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO) Mean?
What is Manual of permitted operations (Mopo)?
Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO) Definition – What does Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO) mean? A manual of permitted operations (MOPO), also referred to as a matrix of permitted operations, is a visually coded manual used to define whether a work activity can be conducted safely within a given condition (e.g. within darkness).
What is the meaning of Fono?
Definition of fono. : a Samoan council of faipules constituting the central political structure of a village, district, or island. You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary.
What is a ponerine ant?
Definition of ponerine (Entry 2 of 2) : any of various ants of Ponera and closely related genera that are usually considered to constitute a subfamily of Formicidae.