What does it mean to be loved and cherished?

What does it mean to be loved and cherished?

Cherishing is an exalted form of love, the highest, noblest, strongest feeling one person can have for another. Cherishing is a love for the other that has come to maturity, to fruition. It is a bonding not only of the physical, but of spiritual, emotional and intellectual dimensions shared in common with the other.

What does it mean to be cherished?

1a : to hold dear : feel or show affection for cherished her friends. b : to keep or cultivate with care and affection : nurture cherishes his marriage. 2 : to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely still cherishes that memory.

How do you use cherished in a sentence?

Cherished sentence example

  1. It disturbed the most cherished traditions and the most sacred themes.
  2. His cherished schemes were shattered.
  3. With every look – every touch, he cherished her.
  4. Language was her liberator, and from the first she cherished it.

What is another word for most cherished?


  • collectible.
  • expensive.
  • incalculable.
  • invaluable.
  • prized.
  • rare.
  • treasured.
  • Why do I cherish someone?

    When we cherish someone (in particular, our spouse), we recognize that person’s value and we hold her or him in high regard. It also means we protect and care for that person lovingly; we adore, hold dear, love, and dote on that special someone.

    What’s the meaning of I cherish you?

    To cherish someone is to hold them dear—to care about them deeply in a way that makes you treasure them and show them how much you treasure them. In this way, the word implies an active appreciation.

    What does I cherish you mean?

    What is a cherished friend?

    characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for. “a cherished friend”; “children are precious”; “a treasured heirloom”; “so good to feel wanted”

    How can I cherish my life?

    15 Ways to practise self-love daily

    1. Start a compliments file.
    2. Make the most of your commute!
    3. Treat yourself to an at-home spa.
    4. Address a ‘lurking’ task that’s been nagging at the back of your mind.
    5. Play up your strengths.
    6. Get positive feedback.
    7. Surround yourself with ‘radiators’, not ‘drainers’.
    8. Treat yourself.

    What does I cherish our friendship mean?

    Originally Answered: What is the correct meaning of cherish? Cherish means to hold something very dear. If you were to say, “I cherish our friendship.” That would tell the other that your friendship means a lot to you.

    What is the synonym of cherish?

    Some common synonyms of cherish are appreciate, prize, treasure, and value. While all these words mean “to hold in high estimation,” cherish implies a special love and care for something.

    What does it mean to cherish someone you love?

    To love is to cherish the individual standing before you presently―charms, quirks, and all. To love is to give someone a piece of your heart that you will never, ever reclaim.” “Cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey.”

    How is the word cherish different from other verbs?

    How is the word cherish different from other verbs like it? Some common synonyms of cherish are appreciate, prize, treasure, and value. While all these words mean “to hold in high estimation,” cherish implies a special love and care for something.

    What is the synonym of Cherish?

    Some common synonyms of cherish are appreciate, prize, treasure, and value. While all these words mean “to hold in high estimation,” cherish implies a special love and care for something. When can appreciate be used instead of cherish?

    What is the difference between cherish and appreciate?

    In some situations, the words appreciate and cherish are roughly equivalent. However, appreciate often connotes sufficient understanding to enjoy or admire a thing’s excellence. When would prize be a good substitute for cherish?