How do you use attentively in a sentence?

How do you use attentively in a sentence?

Attentively Sentence Examples

  1. Princess Mary listened attentively to what he told her.
  2. He listened attentively, asking questions now and then to clarify.
  3. Pierre listened to her attentively and seriously.
  4. He looked attentively around at the circle of officers, recognizing several of them.

What does listening attentively mean?

while giving attention; observantly: Please listen attentively. while thoughtfully attending to others; politely; courteously:Our stay was attentively organized by the director.

What is a good sentence for carefully?

“She carefully climbed the steep mountain.” “He carefully drove through the snowy mountain passes.” “The museum worker carefully examined the antiques.” “She carefully listened to both sides of the story.”

Is listen carefully a sentence?

Example sentences. listen carefully. You may want to listen carefully and examine what your opinion is. Lirael listened carefully, nerves drawn tight, muscles ready for immediate flight.

What is mean by attentively?

1 : mindful, observant attentive to what he is doing. 2 : heedful of the comfort of others : solicitous an attentive waitress. 3 : offering attentions in or as if in the role of a suitor an attentive boyfriend.

Is attentively a noun?

—attentively adverb —attentiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusattentive• Atmosphere is easy going, service is attentive.

What’s attentively mean?

What kind of word is attentively?

Attentively is an adverb – Word Type.

How do you use carefully as an adverb?

  1. Drive carefully.
  2. She put the glass down carefully.
  3. Please listen carefully.
  4. We need to think carefully about the possible consequences of this decision.
  5. The prime minister’s words were carefully chosen.
  6. The candidate gave his speech before a carefully selected audience.

What is a word for listening carefully?

Being alert or on top of things by paying close attention. paying attention. observant. alert. intent.

What does listening carefully mean?

(intransitive) To pay attention to a sound or speech. Please listen carefully as I explain. (intransitive) To accept advice or obey instruction; to agree or assent.

How do you use the word attentively in a sentence?

/ əˈten.t̬ɪ / in a way that is attentive (= listening carefully or giving careful attention): The children sat listening attentively to the story. These developments are being watched attentively.

What does it mean to sit attentively?

in a way that is attentive (= listening carefully or giving careful attention): The children sat listening attentively to the story. These developments are being watched attentively.

What does it mean to listen mindfully?

When you listen mindfully, your focus should be on the person you are listening to, without distractions. So, how do you do that? Simplify your surroundings: workplaces are full of distractions like phones, computers, printers, and electronic devices.

How to pay attention to the speaker in a conversation?

Pay Attention 1 Look at the speaker directly. 2 Put aside distracting thoughts. 3 Don’t mentally prepare a rebuttal! 4 Avoid being distracted by environmental factors. For example, side conversations. 5 “Listen” to the speaker’s body language .