How do you evaluate dysarthria?

How do you evaluate dysarthria?

Dysarthria Assessment

  1. describe perceptual characteristics of the individual’s speech and relevant physiologic findings;
  2. describe speech subsystems affected (i.e., articulation, phonation, respiration, resonance, and prosody) and the severity of impairment for each;

What are the features of ataxic dysarthria?

Ataxic dysarthria is due to incoordination caused by damage to the cerebellum. Distinguishing features are irregular articulatory errors, equal and excessive stress on syllables, and inappropriate variation of pitch and loudness.

How do you test for flaccid dysarthria?

If the person is asked to move their jaw, it will be opposite (toward the weaker side). Other visible signs that accompany flaccid dysarthria include facial or soft palate droop, or nasal regurgitation with eating (again, if the velum is an affected area).

What is ataxic dysarthria?

Ataxic dysarthria causes symptoms of slurred speech and poor coordination. This type of dysarthria can occur if a person sustains damage to the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the part of the brain responsible for receiving sensory information and regulating movement.

Can Slps diagnose dysarthria?

Testing for Dysarthria An SLP can test your speech and language. This will help the SLP decide if you have dysarthria or another problem. The SLP will look at how well you move your mouth, lips, and tongue and how well you breathe.

How is ataxic dysarthria treated?

Treating the symptoms

  1. changing your posture to improve the quality of your voice.
  2. carrying out exercises to strengthen the muscles used when speaking.
  3. speaking more slowly to emphasise each word.
  4. using breathing techniques to improve your speech.

How is spastic dysarthria diagnosed?

Although many abnormal speech characteristics may be present, the key distinguishing and defining features of spastic dysarthria typically include strained voice quality, slow speaking rate, monopitch and monoloudness, and slow and regular speech alternating motion rates (AMRs)(1).

Is ataxic dysarthria degenerative?

It can also be associated with degenerative changes in the basal ganglia, cerebral cortex, spinal cord, and even peripheral nerves. The clinical features are variable, but cerebellar findings are the most common.

What lesion causes dysarthria?

Dysarthria can be due to lesions in the cortical motor-face area, cerebellum, brainstem, or cranial nerves or the innervation of muscles for articulation. Dysarthria can occur in several diseases, both neurologic and nonneurologic. Dysarthria can be drug-induced or a result of exposure to environmental toxins.

What are symptoms of dysarthria?


  • Slurred speech.
  • Slow speech.
  • Inability to speak louder than a whisper or speaking too loudly.
  • Rapid speech that is difficult to understand.
  • Nasal, raspy or strained voice.
  • Uneven or abnormal speech rhythm.
  • Uneven speech volume.
  • Monotone speech.

How do you test for ataxia?

How do doctors diagnose ataxia?

  1. MRI: An imaging test called an MRI lets doctors see your brain to help determine the cause of the ataxia.
  2. Blood tests: Help determine any underlying causes for the condition, such as a stroke, tumor, or infection.
  3. Genetic testing: Can confirm diagnosis of hereditary ataxia.

What causes slurred speech in adults?

Dysarthria often is characterized by slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to understand. Common causes of dysarthria include nervous system (neurological) disorders such as stroke, brain injury, brain tumors, and conditions that cause facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness. Certain medications also can cause dysarthria.

What is spastic dysarthria?

Spastic dysarthria: A motor speech disorder where damage to the brain or spinal cord affects the muscles involved in speech. Causes include stroke, tumor and accidents. More detailed information about the symptoms , causes, and treatments of Spastic dysarthria is available below. more symptoms…» more…»