What is a halberd?

What is a halberd?

A member of the Swiss Guard with a halberd in the Vatican. The halberd was the primary weapon of the early Swiss armies in the 14th and early 15th centuries.

When was the first Halberd made?

Swedish halberd heads from the 16th century. Halberdiers from a modern-day reenactor troupe. A halberd (also called halbard, halbert or Swiss voulge) is a two-handed pole weapon that came to prominent use during the 14th and 15th centuries.

What was a halberd used for in the Thirty Years War?

The most consistent users of the halberd in the Thirty Years War were German sergeants who would carry one as a sign of rank. While they could use them in melee combat, more often they were used for dressing the ranks by grasping the shaft in both hands and pushing it against several men simultaneously.

What happened to the blades of halberds?

The blades of halberds took on a variety of shapes, often being engraved or inlaid and exquisitely finished as works of art. Concurrently with the disuse of armour and the development of firearms, the pike, or thrusting element, gradually displaced the cleaving element in such weapons.

Who painted halberd?

Halberd illustrated in “Théâtre de tous les peuples et nations de la terre avec leurs habits et ornemens divers, tant anciens que modernes, diligemment depeints au naturel”. Painted by Lucas d’Heere in the 2nd half of the 16th century.

What is the difference between a halberd and a voulge?

It is very similar to certain forms of the voulge in design and usage. The halberd was usually 1.5 to 1.8 metres (5 to 6 feet) long. The word has also been used to describe a weapon of the Early Bronze Age in Western Europe. This consisted of a blade mounted on a pole at a right angle.
