What is a good GPA in UOFT?

What is a good GPA in UOFT?

The grading scale is listed below:

Grade Grade point value Definition
A+ 4.0 Excellent
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3 Good

What GPA is 80 UOFT?

What do my grades mean?

Percentage Letter Grade Grade Point Value
85-89 A 4.0
80-84 A- 3.7
77-79 B+ 3.3
73-76 B 3.0

What is a passing grade Utsc?

In these courses, to achieve a passing grade a student must receive a final mark of at least 50%. This will be designated as CR on a transcript and will not be included in the grade point average.

What happens if you fail a course Utsc?

If you failed a course then you can retake it for credit. The failed grade will not be removed or averaged; rather both the failed grade and the new grade are calculated into the GPA and included on your academic transcript.

Is a 3 GPA good?

A 3.0 GPA indicates a grade average of “B” and makes you eligible to apply to a wide range of schools, so yes! A 3.0 GPA is generally considered “good.”

What is a 3.6 GPA in Canada?

British Columbia

4.33 GPA Percentage 4.0 GPA
4 90 – 94 3.9
3.67 85 – 89 3.7
3.33 80 – 84 3.3
3 75 – 79 3

What is a 1.85 GPA?

A 1.8 GPA, or Grade Point Average, is equivalent to a C- letter grade on a 4.0 GPA scale, and a percentage grade of 70–72.

What do you need to graduate Utsc?

To qualify for the degree, students must: Pass at least 20.0 credits. Of the 20.0 credits, at least 6.0 credits must be at the C- and/or D-level, with at least 1.0 credit at the D-level. Of the 20.0 credits, at least 0.5 credit must come from each of the following five breadth categories.

What is the GPA for academic probation at Utsc?

Students who have attempted at least three full credit equivalents and have a cumulative GPA of less than 1.60 are placed on probation.

How many credits can I take in the summer Utsc?

The maximum course load for students who are in good standing during the Summer Session is 1.0 credit per term. Students on Academic Probation may take no more than 2.5 credits in each of the Fall and Winter terms and no more than 1.0 credit in each of the Summer terms.

What does GPA stand for at UTSC?

U of T Grading Scheme Grade Point Averages (GPA) The average of the courses you took in your most recent semester (Fall, Winter, or Summer) is your sessional GPA. Your cumulative GPA is the average of all the courses you have passed or failed at UTSC.

What courses are included in UTSC grade points?

Courses taken for credit by degree students while registered at UTSC, FAS or UTM are normally included in UTSC grade point averages. Courses taken while registered at other institutions or other divisions or faculties of UT are not normally included in grade point averages.

What is my annual GPA (AGPA)?

Annual GPA (AGPA): The weighted average for courses taken in both Fall and Winter. When entering existing grades, include failed courses and exclude extra (EXT), Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR), Late Withdrawal (LWD or WDR) courses, and transfer credits for which you did not receive a grade on your Academic History in ACORN.

What is the University of Toronto weblogin service?

The University of Toronto weblogin service (UTORweblogin) provides a single place for you to identify yourself to web services within the University. This is commonly called a “single sign-on” (SSO) system. Once you log in to weblogin.utoronto.ca, you can access services like the Portal and webmail as well as other weblogin-enabled web services.
