What happens when you restrict a friend on Facebook?

What happens when you restrict a friend on Facebook?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, you’ll still be friends with them on Facebook, but they’ll only be able to see your public information (example: your posts and profile info you choose to make public) and posts you tag them in.

How do I limit what certain friends can see on Facebook?

Go to the profile of the person you want to add to the restricted list. Now look for the button that says Friends at the top of their profile and tap on it. Then Select and tap on the Edit Friend List. Select Restricted and tap on it to add your friend to the Restricted list.

How can you tell if someone has restricted you on Facebook?

How can I tell if a friend has restricted me from seeing their posts? The only way you can tell for sure is to ask someone else if they can see any posts from that person. If they can see posts that you can’t, then you’ll know that person has blocked you from seeing their posts.

What can Restricted friends see?

Restricted. People on the restricted list can see your public posts only. That means you can start to manage Friends on Facebook with greater subtlety, without getting quite so confused about all the other privacy settings and how they affect any other lists you create. Restricted always means public posts only.

Can I see restricted friends posts?

When you add someone to the Facebook restricted list, you remain friends with them while limiting the posts they’re able to see. They will only see your posts if you’ve set the audience to “Public” (indicated by the globe icon), if they’re tagged in it or if a mutual friend tags both of you in the post.

Can restricted friends on Facebook see my story?

If you’ve placed someone on your Restricted list, they won’t be able to see your story.

Why can’t I see posts on my friends wall?

By default, Facebook always lets a user’s friends see his or her posts. The most restricted standard privacy setting is “Friends Only,” which only stops non-friends from seeing a Wall. If you are friends with someone and still cannot see that user’s wall, it means your friend has customized his or her Wall privacy.

Can restricted friends see photos?

Anyone on your restricted list will see only your Public posts — even though they are technically your “friend”, they don’t see content you share only with friends. Change default post settings: Next, you need to change the default settings for who sees the content you share. Start by clicking the settings icon.

Will someone know if I add them to Restricted List?

Can Friends Tell If They’re on a Facebook Restricted List? Facebook users are not notified of being added to or removed from lists on the social network so there is no direct way for your friends to find out that they’ve been added to your Restricted list.

Can restricted friends see your photos?

How do I know if someone has restricted me?

While it’s obvious to someone when they’ve been blocked — because they can no longer find that user on the platform — it won’t be obvious when they’ve been restricted. They will see that user’s posts in their feed like they usually do. But they will no longer see when the user is online or has read their messages.

How to restrict someone on Facebook?

Open the Facebook app and go to the person’s profile you want to restrict. Tap the 3-dot button under their profile name. Tap Friends and select “Edit Friend Lists”. Select the “Restricted” option and tap Done.

What is a restricted profile on Facebook?

The restricted list is a special friend list every Facebook users has by default (you don’t need to create it). People you add in the your restricted friend list will only see your public posts and status updates.

How do you find all of your friends on Facebook?

Inviting Friends to Facebook Click on the “Find Friends” link. This button is located in the upper-right corner of your Facebook session. Navigate to the “Invite Your Friends” box. You will find this box at the bottom right-hand side of the page under the “Add Personal Contacts” box. Tell them in person.

What does restricted mean on Facebook?

What Does Restricted Mean on Facebook? When you restrict a friend on Facebook, they can no longer read your private posts. Facebook doesn’t notify the people you restrict, nor does it remove them from your friends list. The restricted profile simply won’t be able to access posts you’ve made available to only your friends.
