What do you need to carve decoys?

What do you need to carve decoys?

The traditional way to carve a duck decoy is to use only hand tools such as a basic knife, chisel, and rasp, but power tools can make the process go much faster. Dremel tools and powered sanders are commonly used, but each carver will find a set of tools that suits them best.

What wood is used for duck decoys?

Duck decoys were historically carved from wood, often Atlantic white cedar wood on the east coast of the US from Maine to South Carolina, or cork. Modern ones may also be made of canvas and plastic. They are usually painted, often elaborately and very accurately, to resemble various kinds of waterfowl.

What is a duck decoy carving?

Carving duck decoys has evolved beyond a hunting device and become a woodworking obsession for a select few who consider it an art form. Duck decoys are considered an important form of North American Folk Art, and have been revered and collected for more than a century.

What kind of wood is used for decoys?

Materials. For hunting purposes, plastic and foam decoys are the preferred material, but some traditionalist also use cork. Decorative wood decoys are carved from softwoods such as basswood and can be ordered as a single block of wood that is suitable to begin carving.

How did the Native Americans make duck decoys?

Native Americans knew that birds attract other birds, and for more than 1,000 years they made decoys adorned with feathers, brush, and mud for hunting purposes. Early colonists took note and began carving wood duck decoys from white pine and white cedar which were both durable and buoyant.

What kind of tool do you use to carve Ducks?

Duck carving enthusiast Richard Gubler uses a bandsaw and a Rotozip rotary tool to carve his ducks. He’s an avid hunter/outdoorsman, and duck decoy carving provides him with a great outlet to explore his creative side and maintain his connection with nature.