What area code is 0112?

What area code is 0112?

The 0112 area code includes areas in and surrounding Birmingham, and is in our top five area codes for virtual users.

How do I find out who a phone number is registered to in the UK?

To trace a UK mobile or landline telephone number, start by dialing 1471 to get the number of the last person that called you if you don’t already have the number. Once you know the number, try typing it into a search engine, which might display the phone number’s source if it’s a public company or organization.

Where is 01223 Phone area?

01223 area code information

Area code: 01223
Location: Cambridge
Ceremonial county: Cambridgeshire
Local number length: 6 digits
Number format: 01223 xxxxxx

How do I dial an international number from the UK?

+44United Kingdom / Dialing code

Where is area code 01442?

The 01442 area code covers Hemel Hempstead and the surrounding area. 01442 numbers can also be based in the following locations near to Hemel Hempstead: Please note that an 01442 number does not necessarily come from one of these locations, although the majority do.

How to write a 01933 phone number in the UK?

The local telephone numbers within the 01933 are 6 digits long. The correct format in which to write a telephone number from the Wellingborough area code is (01933) [x][x][x][x][x][x]. The Wellingborough 01933 dialling code is situated in the county of Northamptonshire in the East Midlands Region of the UK.

Where is the 01933 Wellingborough dialling code?

The Wellingborough 01933 dialling code is situated in the county of Northamptonshire in the East Midlands Region of the UK. When do I need to use the 01933 Wellingborough dialling code?