Is AIP Conference Proceedings good?
The overall rank of AIP Conference Proceedings is 20880. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this conference and proceedings is ranked 0.177. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. This conference and proceedings has an h-index of 75.
Where can I download conference proceedings?
There are a few places to try and locate the full text of conference proceedings….Library Databases
- ACM Digital Library: Contains papers from the Association for Computing Machinery conferences.
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library: Contains papers from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers sponsored conferences.
Is AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus indexed?
AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in a number of services, including these leading databases: The Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Science) Scopus (Elsevier) Inspec.
Is AIP Conference Proceedings SCI?
AIP Conference Proceedings span the physical sciences, including physics, math, chemistry, materials science and engineering.
Is AIP a good journal?
AIP Advances Rank and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) The overall rank of AIP Advances is 11605. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.421. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals.
Is journal or conference better?
A conference paper presentation gives you a platform to interact with people of the same field but journal publication is generally considered superior especially with a good impact factor.
Where can I find academic conference papers?
Databases with conference proceedings, papers and abstracts
- Web of Science. Web of Science is a collection of citation databases and citation analysis tools covering the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.
- Scopus.
- IEEE Xplore digital library.
Is AIP Advances a good journal?
What is Scopus proceedings?
Scopus is an indexing database which indexes the publications (journals and conference proceedings).
Will AIP conference proceedings publish 1-page manuscripts?
AIP Conference Proceedings will not publish 1-page abstract-only manuscripts, and we inform the editors of this policy. Do you expect manuscripts to be peer reviewed? Yes. We expect proceedings editors to undertake a peer review process to select which papers will be published in their proceedings.
How does AIP Publishing support the work of a+I services?
We support the work of A+I services by providing researchers with access to all of our published proceedings volumes upon publication. However, how quickly selected proceedings are available in an A+I service is up to the provider; AIP Publishing has no influence on this timeframe.
What are conference proceedings?
Our conference proceedings program reports the findings presented at scientific meetings from large international conferences to small specialist workshops. Subject areas span the physical sciences, including physics, math, chemistry, materials science, and engineering.
How are papers selected for publication in proceedings?
We expect proceedings editors to undertake a peer review process to select which papers will be published in their proceedings. Publication should be based on the merit of the work, not simply because the manuscript was presented at the conference. Please refer to the peer review guidelines.